A dubious study finds a correlation between Russian troll activity and his 2016 polls.
The liberal mainstream media are quickly becoming comedy channels. CNN on Wednesday actually ran a chyron that the protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin were “mostly peaceful” while there is an inferno blazing in the background and you can hear shots being fired. C’mon CNN — Try harder! This is getting ridiculous. You cannot make this up……
The Biden–Harris administration wants to increase corporate taxes by 7 percent to finance $10 trillion in proposed spending for 2021.
The Biden administration asked Congress to allow the Department of Defense to fund foreign critical mineral facilities in the annual defense spending bill.
Hillary Clinton knows she has more baggage than Newark Airport. She doesn’t care, because she is counting on two strong forces to carry her to victory: Demographics and the leftward turn in America...
On Monday, the Associated Press reported that Palestinian Arab activists built a monument to the late Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein.
Six officers, including military veterans, were in the Starbucks - on the 4th of July, of all dates - when they were asked to leave. Starbucks apologized for the incident, calling it "completely unacceptable".
Violent clashes erupted in D.C. between protesters and police after the conclusion of the Republican National Convention on Thursday night.
CORNWALL - According to sources, the people who ruined the world's economies by promoting lockdowns, economic shutdowns, and printing cash have gathered in the United Kingdom this week to discuss how to fix the world's economies.The very people who implemented anti-science policies that simultaneously did nothing to stop COVID and ruined millions o ...
The latest from the "Clowns R Us" files...
Demonizing America as a racist nation -- that is the subject of this evening's "Talking Points Memo".It is an amazing thing to watch. The U.S.A. has gone from being the
Guest post by Joe Hoft Two of the loudest slogans that Americans bellowed at Trump rallies last year during the run up to the election were ?Drain the Swamp? ? and ?Lock Her Up? ? It?s amazing that the most important and emotional slogans during the campaign represented what Americans wanted from this President!  The Obama years were ?
No matter the ruling here, this case may head to the Supreme Court next.
President Donald Trump criticized Democrat protesters in America's major cities at a campaign rally in New Hampshire on Friday.
Lancaster, Pennsylvania – According to Dr. Richard Levine, who is President Biden’s Assistant Secretary of Health, children need to be treated for “experiencing the wrong puberty,” and he ope…
An internal Communist Party directive bars senior officials from owning property abroad or stakes in overseas entities, whether directly or through spouses and children.
Chris Christie has a habit of telling outright lies, and it's@ getting worse as he seeks the presidency.
ReasonTV released a new video on Monday regarding the way the government regulates the sugar industry.
In the summer of 2016, Russian intelligence agents secretly planted a fake report claiming that Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich was gunned down by a squad of assassins working for Hillary Clinton, giving rise to a notorious conspiracy theory that captivated conservative activists and
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website disclosed the shockingly small number of people who died from only the Wuhan coronavirus, with no other cause of death mentioned.
The most loud-spoken environmental activists tend to be some of the biggest hypocrites. Take Bill Gates, for example. In his most recent book, "How to Avoid a Climate Disaster," the
The campaign manager for the 2016 Clinton campaign testified that Hillary Clinton personally signed off on spreading a conspiracy theory tying then-candidate Donald Trump to a Russian bank. The since-debunked claims involved digital interactions between a computer at Trump Towers and the Russian...
Snoop Dogg has taken another shot at Donald Trump. Needless to say, the president's supporters are not pleased.
Federal prosecutors of New York are stopping their investigation into whether Trump organization executives broke campaign finance laws ...