Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California and Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, are close to a deal to increase spending and raise the government’s borrowing limit.
John Bolton disputed a story in The Atlantic claiming President Donald Trump had disparaged fallen World War I soldiers in 2018.
Joy Behar of "The View" faced immediate and brutal blowback for a homophobic joke she made about an NFL player who came out as gay. The show's hosts were discussing the announcement from Carl Nassib of the Las Vegas Raiders when Behar made her inappropriate joke. "After they said penetration i...
'We're capping the market for handguns,' the Canadian prime minister said Monday, announcing new measures to curb gun violence in Canada
In exclusive Salon interview, the cultural critic finds parallels between Cosby and Clinton, takes down modern p.c.
The radio host groped and forcibly kissed by now-Senator Al Franken during a 2006 USO show says the now-infamous photo of his hands on her breasts while she slept wasn't meant to be funny.
Wall Street Journal reports on what’s driving the border crisis. For most Guatemalans, it’s economic opportunity, not the reported violence and bloodshed.
Democrats are threatening violence if Joe Biden does not defeat President Trump in November, New York Post columnist Miranda Devine said Saturday.
Mark Perry is at it again. The University of Michigan-Flint economics professor who is waging a one-man war on policies that benefit liberals on college
More than 33 percent of Americans who earn $250,000 a year report living paycheck to paycheck, a new survey revealed.
There is no reputable, serious research showing people commit suicide because a particular religion refuses to embrace homosexuality. None.
They continue to compromise free speech and due process.
A lawsuit has been brought by lawyers representing illegal alien children who accuse the Biden/Harris administration of forcing them to live for months in squalid conditions. Complaints include undercooked food, bright lights that are kept on even during sleeping hours, and no showers. But, in f ...

Beyond Libertarianism | J. D. Vance

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

Do we serve commerce at the expense of the public good? Or do we serve something higher? 
Two members of the US House of Representatives have sent a formal letter to the Federal Communications Commission Inspector General calling for an investigation of Chairman Ajit Pai. Energy and Commerce Ranking Member Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) and Oversight and…
The actual policy proposals of the mainstream criminal justice reform movement are not anti-police by any stretch. In fact most police support them.
Middle school students in Tacoma, Wash., were given a flyer detailing their legal rights on sex-based issues this week, including their ability to get an abortion without informing their parents.
The Special Olympics has lifted its COVID-19 vaccine mandate for the 2022 USA Games after Florida moved to fine the organization $27.5 million for violating a state law against such rules.
The Associated Press has been in Ferguson covering the anniversary of Michael Brown's death and the George Soros-funded out-of-towners leading the "festivities." I'll leave it to others to dissect the wire service's on-the-street reporting during the past several days. What also concerns me is how AP's reports continue to bitterly cling to half-truths and distortions about how Brown died and the nature of the evidence evaluated by the grand jury which refused to indict Police Officer Darren Wilson in his death. Five paragraphs containing such distortions were included in at least three different AP reports this weekend.
Either Trump supporters see a path to victory in a southern Los Angeles district where 60% of voters are registered Democrats, or they just want to punish one of the president’s most vocal detractors, a longtime legislator who is a darling of anti-Trump liberals.
Vox's German Lopez is demanding Democrats go big on gun control in 2020: sweeping gun bans, radical licensing regimes, and even repealing the 2nd Amendment.