As polling shows the steam running out of the impeachment effort, Democrats turn to spicier language.
We need a lives-for-lives analysis of the public health costs of the Democrats' lockdowns.
Thirteen U.S. service members died Thursday in Kabul, Afghanistan, supporting Operation Freedom’s Sentinel.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy ripped the Monday raid of Mar-a-Lago by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in statements released on social media.
Mitt Romney’s attack on Donald Trump was concise and well-written and, by calling the front-runner a “phony” and a “fraud,” hit all the erogenous zones of the anti-Trumpsters. But in the end, the s…
Coptic Solidarity For another consecutive year in a row, Egypt has proven to be an inhospitable place for Christians, namely its most indigenous inhabitants, the Copts.  According to Open Doors, a human rights organization that closely follows the treatment of Christians around the world, Egypt is the 17th worst nation (out of nearly 200) wherein ?
Social media companies including Facebook have launched a crackdown against accounts that publish the name of the alleged Ukraine whistleblower, Eric Ciaramella.
The reporter seemed intrigued by the "fairly glaring conflict on interest" going on.
'Freedom!' It’s a common cry of the far-right and other ignorant troglodytes. They think it trumps everything as if saying, 'You’re taking away my freedom!' is the end to any argument.But we live in a society. That means we have to think about each other and that your freedom isn’t the most important thing of all. And ...
The ammonia production cost analysis report covering supply chain analysis, primary process flow, raw material requirements, operating cost, capital Investment, industry trends and revenue statistics, manufacturing process, reactions involved, and operating and capital costs.
He now says he will obey the law. But that is not same thing as truly reversing his position.
Police are currently responding to an active shooting scene at the YouTube HQ in San Bruno, CA. Active shooter at YouTube HQ. Heard shots and saw people running while at my desk. Now barricaded inside
CAIR is the U.S. branch of HAMAS (a designated group on the Foreign Terrorist Organizations list), itself the Palestinian branch of the jihadist Muslim Brotherhood. CAIR was named by the Department of Justice (DOJ) as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 2008 Holy Land Foundation (HLF) HAMAS terror funding trial.
Newly surfaced court documents and emails shed fresh light on the mysterious relationship between Russian billionaire Elena Baturina and Hunter Biden.
It’s always frustrating to read about the many ways the federal government wastes our money, from millions spent putting lizards on treadmills to thousands
The latest Issues & Insights/TIPP Poll found that 59% of respondents were “concerned” about the 79-year-old Joe Biden’s mental health, with 36% being “very concernedR…
GOP front-runner captures the night’s top 2 contests despite intense attacks against him
The University of Illinois Student Government voted Wednesday to impeach a conservative student based primarily on his political activity.
California on Wednesday was hit with a lawsuit in federal court over its first-in-the-nation law requiring publicly traded companies to have women on their boards of directors, marking the second legal challenge to the measure.
In a development that I'm sure had nothing at all to do with the fact that Rudy Guiliani has been releasing alleged evidence of deep corruption in the
The attitude toward the non-vaxxed from those in positions of authority just gets wilder and more extreme.
An FBI search warrant application also showed that Roske wanted to kill at least three SCOTUS justices.
The mogul has a slight lead among likely GOP voters; Rubio is ahead in other categories.
Indiana congressman wants only U.S. citizens and legal residents counted for apportioning funding under population-based programs
Audience members at Friday’s impeachment inquiry broke into applause after former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch concluded her testimony.