Experts said they do not have evidence that anyone plans to attempt a hack of the systems used in California and are not casting blame on Dominion.
An expert warns that the Kremlin is likely behind Russian media outlets offering support to former President Donald Trump amid the raid on his Mar-a-Lago home in Florida.
Supporters of Sens. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio took to social media to them for blaming leftists shutting down a Trump Chicago rally on the GOP frontrunner.
Tax Day gets a lot of attention, but John Stossel says that attention is misleading because of other taxes.
Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi became quite agitated during an interview with Face the Nation moderator Margaret Brennan, aired on Sunday, when the CBS anchor dared to mention Republican criticism of the impeachment process against President Trump.
The National Legal and Policy Center complaint alleges the University has millions of dollars in undisclosed funds from China. 
President Biden’s address to the nation concerning his surrender of Afghanistan to the Taliban was obviously a desperate attempt to...
A week after the FBI’s unprecedented raid of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, Democrats and other Trump foes are clamoring for the Department of Justice to go even further and lock ‘em up.
Bestselling author and senior editor at Conservative Review, Michelle Malkin, is calling Matt Drudge "anti-Christian" for his choice of headlines regarding an event involving Texas Sen. [crscore]Ted
Rafalala - znany lewacki transseksualista - zaatakował w centrum Warszawy kilkunastoletnią dziewczynkę, która miała rzekomo się z niego śmiać. Wulgarną i agresywną napaścią na wyraźnie przestraszone dziecko powinna jak najszybciej zająć się policja.
The word kuffar/kafir shows the common political treatment of Christian, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, animist, atheist and humanist.It should be used instead of ‘unbeliever,’ a neutral term. The Koran defines the kafir and kafir is not a neutral word.
An overwhelming majority vote to tear up the dictatorship-era constitution and create a new one.
The third quarter speed bump now looks like a road block. | Economy
The HOAX pattern used by the Democrats.See Episode 1836 (full episode) for an extended discussion of the HOAX pattern.
It must have been very painful for the folks at CNN to write the report below, but it sure looks like the entire Russian collusion thing was a hoax perpetrated by rogue elements of the FBI, as CNN reports: “A former FBI lawyer is under criminal investigation after allegedly altering a document related to 2016…
The president and Barrett will be joined by her family, supporters, and many Republicans after the Senate vote to confirm Barrett takes place this evening.  | Politics
Photographer Nematullah Naqdi and reporter Taqi Daryabi revealed their horror injuries, including severe welts and bruising to their backs and legs, on Thursday.
U.N. TROLL Farm: 110,000 Volunteers to Push ‘Approved’ COVID-19 Propaganda Online and Correct Dissent
Rafael Cruz: Base Will Revolt if GOP Beats Trump in Any Scenario Aside from Ted Winning One-On-One

When the Twitter Mob Came for Me

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

Recently hired by the Atlantic and then promptly fired, the conservative writer Kevin D. Williamson discusses the social-media outrage that made the celebrated magazine retreat.
We are an organization that seeks to preserve biology-based eligability standards for participation in females sports. | Transgender Athlete - Hannah Mouncey
A federal report reveals that 1.15 million asylum-seeking people are already living in the U.S., as Biden promises to welcome more migrants.
It’s clear that as President Joe Biden advocates, and seeks to impose, a national COVID-19 vaccine mandate because his patience has worn thin with the
“Is she serious? She‘s going to defund the police? Ha! She got no good reason, bro.”