Before you settle down for a long winter’s nap with adult visions of sugar plums, consider a key fact about the 2018 midterm elections: We already know what they’re going to be about. Republicans, …

Democrats Perpetuate Urban Poverty

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

Problems of poverty and homelessness are rising in the nation's largest cities.
The Proud Boys advertised a fake rally in West Philadelphia’s Clark Park on Saturday, causing Antifa to flood the streets. When the Proud Boys did not show up, they attacked conservative independent media instead. As the Gateway Pundit reported earlier in the day, the militant leftists attacked two conservatives who were filming the protest. They…
UPDATE: President Joe Biden again falsely contradicted Powell during his speech at the White House Wednesday afternoon. He also blamed oil companies for high prices. Biden to companies that run gas pumps:"This
The Swedes see the welfare systems failing them. Swedes have had to get used to the government prioritizing refugees and migrants above native Swedes. "There are no apartments, no jobs, we don't dare go shopping anymore [without a gun], but we're
For a self-described community organizer, full of the anti-colonial dreams of his father, Obama seems to enjoy inordinately rubbing shoulders with monarchs and princes. The BBC this week hailed his embarrassingly empty chat with Prince Harry as his first post-presidential interview (it was actually conducted last September but released only on Tuesday). The interview allowed two vapid liberals to wallow in their privilege while babbling about a world without privilege. Nothing phrases like “platforms of change” tumbled forth as they both longed for greater egalitarianism. The prince and the community organizer agreed that they are both “passionate” about helping paupers.
Gary Sinise, the actor famous for portraying Lieutenant Dan in the movie "Forrest Gump," is celebrating 25 years advocating for the non-profit organization Disabled American Veterans (DAV) this week.
In 2016, Trevor Noah discusses the ‘Biden Rule.’ He says Biden was wrong to argue against considering a Supreme Court nominee in an election year. WATCH: Also, it appears Joe Biden hims…
A group seeking to ensure that elections are run fairly said this week that an in-depth analysis of ...
Abortion may be a women’s issue, but not in the way that the media and some politicians would like us to believe. Far from seeing abortion as a sacrosanct right to be defended, the overwhelming...
Russia is almost certain to introduce almost all of its new hypersonic weapons well before they will appear in the American arsenal.
Marco Rubio had the perfect response when Black Lives Matter decided to praise Cuba and blame the U.S.

Just 5% call abortion top concern

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

Abortion, the No. 1 concern in today’s media and politics, ranks nearly dead last among areas voters care about as they struggle with paying daily bills, soaring inflation, and interest rate hikes, according to a just-released survey.
“It was more socialism, more pacifism, more weakness," he said.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley is investigating the timing of the memos former FBI Director James Comey wrote memorializing interactions between himself and President Trump, because it is possible that when Comey supplied copies to Columbia Law School Professor Daniel Richman,
U.S.—According to sources across the country, the nation's progressives woke up this morning and checked the news to see just what it is they're supposed to be boycotting today.Leftists from coast to coast confirmed they don't know which businesses they're supposed to boycott until they check Twitter's trending hashtags, Vice, Vo …
By Will Maule, Premier: The leading candidate to replace the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court of the United States is Amy Coney Barrett – a conservative Catholic who has spoken openly about her faith. A former professor of law at Notre Dame University, Barrett once said that her legal career was “but […]
July 15 (UPI) -- Chrissy Teigen says she feels "lost" and depressed after being "canceled" over her bullying scandal. The 35-year-old model and television
The FBI is investigating an attack on a Colorado pregnancy center after a far-Left group posted a link of a map of these centers created by two UGA professors. 
AN SAS trooper decapitated a jihadi with a shovel during a gruesome six-hour battle.
Former Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, on former New York Fed President William Dudley's comments about the Federal Reserve and the impact of negative interest rates...
Senate Democrats are signaling that threats, made in the wake of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death, may have been hasty. Democratic
How do our well-informed correspondents know how many immigrants live illegally in the US? Lionel Shriver writes that the number is far greater than what has been previously reported.
This witness story isn't going to have the effect that the Committee hoped...