Thomas Catenacci  A coalition of 16 Republican governors sent a letter Tuesday to President Joe Biden, urging him to rescind a proposal introducing a

50 Dumb Liberal Quotes

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Without much preamble and hardly any ado, I present to you 50 dumb quotes from those on the left side of the aisle. From crazy ideas about toilet pape...
Editorial employees at the Vox Media network of websites are set to make their unionization efforts public on Friday.
When it comes to elections, swing states are always crucial, but in 2020, this blue state could be turning red for Trump.
Multiple boats sunk on Lake Travis in Austin, Texas during a "Trump Boat Parade" Saturday. 
Michigan Republicans have released the findings of a monthslong investigation into the state's 2020 election, discovering no evidence that widespread or systemic voter fraud took place and recommending that the state attorney general investigate those who perpetuated false claims about the election ...
The former hero of the Democratic Party and the one man who could take down the evil bad orange Donald Trump has just been handed a major loss in court.
On Thursday, CNN photo editor Mohammed Elshamy was exposed as an anti-Semite after numerous political operatives and news outlets dove into his Twitter history and discovered his hatred. Elshamy has since made his Twitter account private.
A recent deep dive in The Washington Post, “What’s the Worst That Could Happen?,” exploring various potential outcomes of the 2020 presidential election, found that in “every scenario except a Bide…
The Biden administration is suing the state of Georgia over its new voting law, a person familiar with the matter said Friday, the first such challenge to Republican-backed efforts in multiple states to tighten voting laws.
Authorities have arrested a man they say stabbed a doctor and two nurses inside a Southern California hospital emergency ward Doctor, nurses stabbed at

The state of Florida launched an investigation into the Planned Parenthood abortion business after multiple expose’ videos have caught the abortion business selling the body parts of aborted babies. Now, state health department inspectors are reporting their results and they found Planned Parenthood abortion clinics are illegally doing 2nd-trimester abortions.ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT Those are the kinds [?]

Brits are benefitting from a rise in wages for the first time in years, after Brexit and a subsequent shortage of labour across sectors.
Unless there’s a bench being formed that formulates policy and acts as a brain trust, the new national conservatism will be short-lived.
Kamala Harris refused to take questions from black business owners and union workers during a campaign event in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Former President Donald Trump showed up to this first post-presidential rally in Wellington, Ohio where he spent 90 minutes slamming President Biden and critical race theory.
After Joe Biden was elected in 2020, the Washington Post dismissed concerns his policies would increase gas prices and even argued they could lower under Biden.
The activist group Organization of Black Struggle defended the actions of Tyrone Harris -- the man who opened fire upon and was then shot by police officers in Ferguson, Mo. on Sunday night -- by sh
President Donald Trump continued to hit the #FakeNews media on Thanksgiving Day weekend. The Republican president trashed CNN on Saturday. .@FoxNews is MUCH more important in the United States than CNN, but outside of the U.S., CNN International is still a major source of (Fake) news, and they represent our Nation to the WORLD very …
Illegal Immigrant Bought Baby for $80 in Guatemala to Get Priority Release in US
The assistant principal of an upstate high school who yelled “F--k the police!” in a live video during the Rochester protests has been placed on leave after an “outpouring” of complaints, district officials said.
In a hilariously ironic move, YouTube permanently banned Right Wing Watch on Monday, a far-left organization that seeks to de-platform conservative figures and outlets. After a backlash from the Left, YouTube reportedly reversed their decision.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis responded to the nation’s latest school shooting with legislation aimed at improving school safety and increasing student mental health monitoring, rejecting stricter gun measures pushed by congressional Democrats and the Biden administration that include a proposed ban on assault-style weapons.
You can’t make this stuff up. Among the many messages recovered by investigating Hillary Clinton’s emails is a request to ...
The chief news editor at National Public Radio has left the outlet following allegations of sexual harassment.