Your memories and favorite writings of the late Washington Post columnist.
Sanders volunteers are being told to zero in on the perceived weaknesses of Warren, but also Biden and Buttigieg.
Late last night the SpaceX Crew docked successfully at the International Space Station, another accomplishment for the private American aeronautics company.
Russia has initiated conscription of some of its citizens amid its ongoing invasion of Ukraine. The announcement will require some citizens to serve in the war effort.
Students at California State University–Los Angeles have set up a “healing” space to deal with pain they were caused by having Ben Shapiro speak on campus — even though that speech was three months ago and most of them didn’t even go.  “On February 25th, our campus experienced immense hurt and trauma,” states the description for the event, which will take place on Tuesday night.  #ad#“Almost two months later, students are still feeling the emotional, mental, and physical effects that this event posed, and nothing has been done to facilitate our healing,” it continues. “How can we help each other heal and move forward? How were you affected emotionally, physically, psychologically?” Here’s the real kicker: According to Young Americans for Freedom program officer Amy Lutz, who attended the event, most — maybe even all — of the kids involved in this event didn’t even go to the damn speech. I mean, really, kids? You’re suffering “immense hurt and trauma” and dealing with “emotional, mental, and physical effects” from a speech that happened sort of near you two months ago that you didn’t even attend? You need “healing” from that? Oh boy. I’ve got to say, good luck. If you are suffering from “trauma” from that, then there is no way you are going to handle the real world.  #related#Now, the event description also claims that students were “shoved” and “abused” because of the speech. But according to Lutz, there’s a real kicker on that one, too: The students who were doing the shoving were the protesters to the Shapiro event, not the people who came to hear him speak.  She also said that the group’s claim that people were bussed in from Orange County is a flat-out lie.  Come on. The event, titled “Debrief on Anti-Blackness; Threats of Violence,” is being organized by the school’s Black Student Union.  — Katherine Timpf is a reporter for National Review Online.
If the media wants to investigate enemy collusion, it can look in the mirror.
The explosive discovered in the vehicle of Francine Graham and David Anderson could have killed people five football fields away.
A school in New York deemed sweatshirts honoring a police officer killed in the line of duty unacceptable after allowing BLM attire.
Bryan Babb  Climate activists battled police while allegedly attempting to break-in to a major government department building in Washington on Thursday,
Michelle Obama has announced a six-city tour this fall promoting her new book 'The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times.'

F**k George Clooney

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

George Clooney is a total prick and a massive hypocrite. F**k George Clooney. Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/paul.j.watson.71 FOLLOW Paul Joseph Watson ...
The Democrats are enacting a real-life version of the Clinton-era film Bulworth.
The two Republicans in Michigan who are on the Wayne County Board of Canvassers reportedly want to rescind their votes after they voted to certify the
Satire For The Right. And The Wrong.
Democrats desperate to hold onto their emergency COVID-19  powers are hitting the airwaves to walk back comments made by President Joe Biden over the weekend that the "pandemic is over."Joe
While speaking at the SEIU convention on Monday, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said it’s time to “face the reality of systemic racism,” which includes “putting a stop to the horror of young African Americans...
Apparently Ocasio-Cortez isn’t a great tipper.
AN STD map ranks Baltimore as the worst US city for sexually transmitted diseases as they run rampant in the South and California. Testing experts at Innerbody analyzed CDC data to reveal the Top 1…
One parent: 'The books are problematic because there is no counter narrative to this black person dealing with racism and a white person saving them.'
Global wealth at the end of 2020 was about $418 trillion. Here's a breakdown of the global wealth distribution among the adult population.
Obama told the world on Friday in Hiroshima that the American decision to drop nuclear bombs in 1945 arose from humanity's worst instincts.
More bad polling news keeps streaming in for a Democratic Party increasingly embracing more radical left positions.
Leftists across the nation collectively held their breath and prepared for the worst today. They were certain that if you get a bunch of right-wing 2nd Amendment activists together in the same place, it would devolve into a gigantic drunken fight at a country music bar. They’d be storming the Capitol in search of Democrats …