The comedy series, The G Word with Adam Conover, is being produced by the power couple's Higher Ground Productions. Barack and Michelle acquired the book in 2018.
This is absolutely bonkers, but its what leftist leaders want to implement in the supposedly free West.
Oklahoma? That can’t be right—is what you’re thinking. Oklahoma is a deep-red state run by Republicans as far as the eye can see! This is what the 2020 election map looked like in Oklahoma...
Bill Kristol's white knight independent presidential candidate is a fellow conservative writer with no national name recognition: David French.
Despite the magnitude of the exaggerations that pour out of her mouth, it seems the 17-year-old is given a forum whenever she wants one.
"Most" of the side effects are reportedly "mild and short-term."
Proposed IRS surveillance now limited to non-wage net annual transactions of $10,000 and above. Which is still ridiculously low and intrusive.
Morgan Stanley’s chief U.S. equity strategist Michael Wilson told CNBC's "Squawk Box" that he's convinced a corporate earnings recession is inevitable—and that it could be worse than a "normal" recession.
The most transparent administration ever, right?
But activists and the press conceal why they are even necessary.
The FISA court's top judge wrote in a secret ruling on January 7 that at least two of the four spy warrants against Carter Page were invalid and not lawfully authorized.
One of President Donald Trump's lawyers said Monday that the Michigan state legislature will hold hearings on election ...
This is a complete disaster.
The growing working population and rising urbanization levels are primarily augmenting the GCC onion powder market. In line with this, the trend of hectic work schedules of consumers is resulting in less time and patience for complicated and time-consuming culinary procedures like chopping onions, thereby stimulating the product demand.
Just three weeks before Donald Trump triggered a national firestorm over his claims that U.S. Judge Gonzalo Curiel was biased against him because of his Mexican heritage, his lead lawyer in the Trump University case praised Curiel for a “sound decision” and said he had no plans to file a motion for him
YouTube said on Tuesday it is suspending One America News Network (OAN) from posting new videos or livestreams for a week, after the outlet posted a video that YouTube said violated its policies surrounding COVID-19.
Kaylee Greenlee  Texas Republicans described President Joe Biden’s immigration policies as reckless and criticized him for claiming that he has been
As Puerto Ricans face another test of our resilience, it is high time for government officials—federal and local—to reassess their efficiency and effectiveness.

Neither Trump Nor Clinton

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Libertarians offer a third choice.
Outside of politics Hillary is lost. Her actions post-election reveal it’s all she ever aspired to, and she doesn’t appear to be letting it go.
The U.S. Supreme Court gave the go-ahead on Monday for one of President Donald T...
Alec Baldwin, who officials say accidentally shot and killed a cinematographer during the filming of the movie "Rust," ...
Who’s up for Olivia Wilde versus Jordan Peterson in a debate? No crowds, no thumping stadium music, just Wilde and Peterson. If Wilde is having such a great time attacking Peterson, let us see h...