Rich, white leftists are the only demographic of Americans that want more Syrian Muslim Refugees, according to the latest Economist/YouGov poll. A majority of Americans are not in favor of resettling Muslim refugees.
Written by Harry Khachatrian
That’s right a government worker who’s salary you pay spent $5000 on a grotesque, vulgar hit piece against conservatives
Sweden, a country tearing itself apart with out-of-control Muslim immigration has glorified an ISIS gesture on state TV.
Ann Coulter author of Adios America has a lot to say about the ongoing struggle with the refugee crisis and debate, and our President’s inability to defend t...
Americans keep being hectored to take "refugees" from terrorist-producing countries because to do otherwise would be "a betrayal of our values," as President Obama said on Monday.
Recent events at the University of Missouri, Yale University and some other colleges demonstrate an ongoing ignorance and/or contempt for the principles of free speech. So let's examine some of those principles by asking: What is the true test of one's commitment to free speech?
VISIT TheRebel.media for more fearless daily news, commentary and activism: http://www.TheRebel.media http://www.Facebook.com/JoinTheRebel http://www.Twitter...
(Language warning): Gavin McInnes of TheRebel.media says -- Americans are very different from Canadians. I'm a Canadian who has lived here for 15 years and h...
Both Benjamin Netanyahu and Winston Churchill warned the world of mortal dangers that others ignored, in hopes that those dangers would go away. Some didn't listen.
The Left is intent on turning family celebrations into political shouting matches.
Well, the Pilgrims just got an upgrade from the left. Whereas most Thanksgivings lefty media types disparage Pilgrims as genocidal racist imperialists, this year The Huffington Post wants us to remember they were a persecuted minority fleeing violence … just like the Syrian refugees liberals have decided America absolutely must accept on peril of its national soul. What a coincidence! On Monday, Huffington Post published a piece titled “This Thanksgiving, Remember America's Pilgrims Were Refugees, Too.” In it, associate politics editor Igor Bobic compared the plight of the pilgrims to that of the Syrian refugees by declaring that American history boasts a tradition of “giving shelter to the oppressed.”
A national survey reveals how distrustful Americans feel about the media; 65% say the national news media impacts the country negatively.
All Madison Gesiotto wanted to do when she met with the dean of her law school was report a threat prompted by a newspaper column she wrote pointing out the high abortion rate in the black community.
Washington politicians have been selling us that snake oil for as long as we can remember. And yet year-after-year, election-after-election, the parties in power may change but the results stay the same—the Washington Cartel wins and the American people lose.
Not everyone is excited about seeing Star Wars: The Force Awakens in theaters this holiday season. Last month, Fox News contributor Katherine Timpf...
New Hampshire GOP chairwoman Jennifer Horn attacked Donald Trump for ‘Bombast and Divisive Rhetoric.’
Islamic State may behave inappropriately, but for some that's no excuse to engage in tactical bombing operations damaging to the environment
Trump appeared to imitate Kovaleski, who suffers from arthrogryposis.
A Venezuelan opposition election candidate was shot dead while campaigning, political leaders said Thursday, raising tensions ahead of a legislative vote that could weaken the major oil producer's socialist government. An attacker shot Luis Manuel Diaz on Wednesday evening at an event also attended by Lilian Tintori, the wife of a jailed opposition leader and a high-profile critic of President Nicolas Maduro, the official said. "As the rally with Lilian finished, we heard shooting... We saw Luis fall to the ground bleeding," a regional leader of the Justice First opposition party, Abrahan Fernandez, told AFP.
Are there any adults left on college campus?
A group said the protesters come "dangerously close to the line dividing demonstration from intimidation."
For all of the joy the Left takes in declaring that it has a monopoly on facts and data and faith in both - and its insistence that only racists believe fraud at election time is possible - we're really only one national election loss away from an outbreak of whackadoo conspiracy theories about Republicans stealing elections. (Actual headline at TPM today: "Princeton Study: U.S. | Read More »
The debate about resettling Syrian refugees has some people asking, “Why don’t we use that money on homeless veterans instead?” We asked homeless veterans
The night before the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, New York City Black Lives Matter activists stormed Macy’s iconic Herald Square store where the parade route begins.