A recent suicide bombing in southern Syria shows the rivalry between Al Qaeda and ISIS is more than just a contest to see who can kill the most infidels -- the groups are using classic terror techniques on each other.
Actor Mark Ruffalo — part of a new group of entertainment leaders called Hollywood United for a Healthy California that is pushing governor Jerry Brown to move the state away from fossil fuels — is now setting his sights on President Obama.
The Spotlight star, in the midst of kicking off an awards campaign, has signed on to narrate and executive...
Jeb Bush said Wednesday he supports Turkey in the dispute that resulted in Russian warplane being shot down Tuesday near the border between Turkey and Syria.
Conservative warnings about Donald Trump have grown increasingly somber. At first he was just an entertainer; then he became a worrisome distraction, and soon, there was fear that he would permanently scar the reputation of the Republican Party.
A CNN reporter who was recently suspended for two weeks for violating the network's editorial guidelines showed up in a new trove of State Department emails released on Tuesday in which she appears to
A CNN reporter worked with a senior aide to Hillary Clinton to go after Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) over his tough questions for the then-secretary of state during a 2013 Benghazi hearing, a trove of new emails published by Gawker reveals. Emails show that CNN global affairs correspondent...
Blogger and American radio personality Pamela Geller has published an email threatening her with degrading gang-rape which appears to have come from an infamous London ‘diversity officer’ – Bahar Mustafa
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam. Last year at a NATO summit, Obama explicitly disavowed the idea of containing ISIS. "You can't contain an organization that is running roughshod through that much territory, causing that much havoc, displacing that many people, killing that many innocents, enslaving that many women," he said. Instead he argued, "The goal has to be to dismantle them."
The leader of the free world urged a broader assault on Islamic State yesterday and called for more nations to join forces to crush the enemy. In response, President Obama said he would think about...
‘We simply can’t do any more,’ prime minister says in announcing Sweden’s asylum regime will revert to EU minimum
Thatcher read Hayek’s Road to Serfdom as an undergraduate at Oxford. She took away two key lessons for her life: you cannot compromise with socialism, even the mild social democratic forms; and she...
Students at college campuses across the United States have begun forming their own satirical groups challenging the militant black separationist student movement, which the students say is unfairly demonizing and promoting violence against white students.
Sharia law is being openly practiced in Austria and Germany, an Austrian former Muslim has said. Sabatina James has called on the west to expel recognised Islamists in its midst, saying there can be no place for Muslims who refuse to integrate.
"The people who are advocating for white identity aren't the monsters they've been made out to be."
This week, the Senator himself joins the show to talk about his showdown with Obama over the Syrian Refugee Crisis, and all things Climate Change, criminal C...
Carson, who had been in first place last month, fell to third in the latest Quinnipiac poll.
Campus protests are further evidence that prioritizing self-esteem over education doesn’t work
Limbaugh continued that Obama recognizes no limits to his power and he will do what he wants – “it doesn’t matter what the courts say."
Why are some of the most privileged students in the nation plunging into a racial grievance culture and upending their campuses as though oppressed by Halloween costumes they don’t approve, imagined racial slights, portraits of Woodrow Wilson, a tiny handful of real racial epithets, and the like?The reasons are of course multifaceted. But one deserves far more attention than it has gotten: Many or most of the African-American student protesters really are victims — but not of old-fashioned racism.Most are, rather, victims of the very large admissions preferences that set up racial-minority students for academic struggle at the selective universities that have cynically misled them into thinking they are well qualified to compete with classmates who are, in fact, far stronger academically.The reality is that most good black and Hispanic students, who would be academically competitive at many selective schools, are not competitive at the more selective schools that they attend.
A Princeton University student group, Princeton Open Campus Coalition, has formed to resist the stifling of academic freedom and the atmosphere of intimidation on campus.
"Where will the impulse to purge the past of its sins end? Should Washington, DC, named after a slave owner, adopt a new title? Should the Jefferson memorial be torn down?"
Sen. Jeff Sessions is out with a list of 15 vetted refugees who quickly joined jihad plots to attack the United States.
A new FoxNews poll shows that [mc_name name='Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)' chamber='senate' mcid='C001098' ] has pulled into a virtual tie with Trump in Iowa, as Carson continues to tumble headlong out of the picture. Trump registers 25% in the poll, followed by 23% for Cruz, 18% for Carson, 13% for Rubio, then the also-rans far behind. It looks an awful lot at this point like | Read More »