Bangladeshi police arrested Muslim blogger Farabit Shafiur Rahman in the killing of US blogger Avijit Roy. Photo: tanvir ahammed/ bdnews24.com Roy was hacked to death in the street last week in Dhaka. CBS News reported: Bangladeshi security officials arrested a…
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Red Alert

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

“Why does Ted Cruz love America?” Fox News Host Sean Hannity asked the senator Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference. “This country is the greatest country in the history of the world. It has been a haven for freedom. When my dad was imprisoned in Cuba and fled 58 years ago, he came because …
Climate models can be good tools for predicting future sea ice levels -- unless, of course, they are completely wrong.
Maybe she doesn't want to run in 2016, top Democrats wonder. Maybe she shouldn't.
Liberalism doesn't have anything exciting or new to offer - even its plans for the Internet are drawn from 1930s telephone legislation. Yet the left has been very successful at imposing its ideas despite the clear will of voters - and reversing its policies will be difficult.
Opinion: Editorial: Time is now to fix asset forfeiture | law, forfeiture, asset, time, way, public, police, year, current, people
A New Mexico eighth-grader was suspended from school for letting her classmates know that they could opt out of the state's new online standardized test.
Boehner: Pass Clean DHS Bill Today -
More than half of all VA disability appeal cases are sent back for another review — sometimes more than once — and must be addressed before new cases are opened, leading some veterans to wait years for a final decision, the Veterans Affairs Department admitted Thursday.
The most interesting phenomena you will find at the 2015 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Md., isn't the straw poll of pot...
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will not sign a pledge promising not to raise taxes, or any pledges from "lobbying groups," a spokeswoman said this weekend.
Party of science.
'I don't like being threatened in no letter, especially when it comes to my child's education'
Levin: 'We Are Not a Nation of Immigrants, We are a Nation of Citizens'
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Unless you are one of Obama’s bootlickers in the Senate, you probably are under the impression that Obama’s executive amnesty is a bad idea even if, like me, you are somewhat squishy on the issue of immigration itself. But however bad you thought it was that Obama is seeking to unilaterally rewriting a law that is constitutionally within the | Read More »
Hillary Rodham Clinton did not have a government email address while secretary of state and may have violated federal rules that officials’ correspondence be retained.
WASHINGTON, D.C.-- A record crowd of 16,000 received Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to a long standing ovation on Monday at the 2015 AIPAC (America-Israel Public Affairs Committee) Policy Conference.
Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is more popular with Americans than he has been in a long time. At a time when liberals and members of the media have rebuked both Netanyahu and Speaker John for politicizing negotiations with Iran, Netanyahu is enjoying great favorable rating, according to a Gallup poll.
Norway recently made the controversial decision to deport a large amount of Muslims with ties to radical groups. Despite all the liberals in Norway deeming this “racist”, the logical party went ahead with it and the result almost shut down
Voters overwhelmingly approved Jessica’s Law on the November 2006 ballot. Today, the California Supreme Court substituted the opinion of the court over the will of the people. The court’s decision strikes down mandatory residency restrictions on San Diego County sex offenders under Jessica’s Law and would allow a child molester to live across the street from a school or park where children gather. It puts San Diego families at risk and sets a dangerous precedent for the rest of the state. My wife, former Senator Sharon Runner, and I are the authors of Proposition 83, otherwise known as Jessica’s Law. In addition to mandatory residency restrictions for sex offenders, the law includes many important public safety reforms such as strengthened sexually violent predator laws and increased parole terms. The California Supreme Court’s decision only relates to the residency requirements in Jessica’s Law. Knowing sex offenders might challenge Jessica’s [...]
Standing with Our Friends, Standing Up to Our Enemies - We must repair the ruptured bonds between Israel and the United States.
Donald Trump speaks out during a conference call with grassroots activists nationwide from Tea Party Patriots on Sunday night.
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest tells the media Monday that President Obama has strengthened relations between the U.S. and Israel amid Prime Minist...
Jesse Lee Peterson interviews Christelyn (Chris) Karazin, brand ambassador for InterracialDatingCentral.com. She also runs the website BeyondBlackWhite.com. ...