Hillary Rodham Clinton did not have a government email address while secretary of state and may have violated federal rules that officials’ correspondence be retained.
Conservative radio host Mark Levin criticized Congressional Republicans for having "no principles, no strategy and no guts" on immigration.
That's why it is significant news today that Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) is retiring and will not run for re-election in 2016. How does this related to
Obamacare reveals that emergency room visits are going up and not decreasing as the president promised before the healthcare system became the law of the land.
That President Obama won’t call it Islamic terrorism; that he believes we shouldn’t be on a “high horse” because America and Christians have done bad things; that Muslims are victims...
Israeli election watchdog orders TV and radio stations to impose five-minute delay on broadcast to allow editing out of "electioneering" sections
The IRS is defending its decision to let illegal immigrants claim up to three years' refunds on income even if they never paid income taxes, telling Congress in a new letter last week that agency lawyers have concluded getting a Social Security number triggers the ability to go back and ask for previous refunds.

Netanyahu’s Moment

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Read conservative news, blogs and opinion about Benjamin Netanyahu, Iran, Israel, Joint Session, Kristol, Middle East, Obama, speech, U.S., Middle east and Speech from The Weekly Standard, the must read magazine available in online edition.
Many conservative reformers aren't worried about the amount of money in politics, but that too few Americans are participating.

Feds raid state political meeting

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

A Free Press For A Free People Since 1997
Several House Democrats who are skipping Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress aren't extending the snub to the nation's top pro-Israel activists. At least one member of Congress who is boycotting Netanyahu's speech on Tuesday will still show up for a similar message from the prime minister on Monday at the annual assembly of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Earlier in February, Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y., whose upper Manhattan district includes a large number of Jewish constituents, issued a challenge to Netanyahu via Twitter. Bibi: If you have a problem with our POTUS's foreign policy meet me at AIPAC but not on the House floor. pic.twitter.com/HN7eLaIbg1— Charles Rangel (@cbrangel) February 11, 2015
University president says policy is being followed ahead of pro-life display
Americans United’s claims about the evidence for school choice are demonstrably false.
Proud America still holds some of its shine, though faded by a virus. We are ill.
Nederland police officers are investigating a weekend shooting that happened at the home of a Motiva supervisor.Assistant Police Chief Gary Porter told 12News the shooting happened around 2:45 a.m....
They're carrying out sporadic terror attacks on police, have threatened attacks on government buildings and reject government authority.
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) was criticized on Sunday's State of the Union on CNN for being more interested in America's constitutional principles than his responsibilities in the country's governance in the midst of the threat of government shutdown through the funding of the Department of Homeland Security and President Obama's order of amnesty. Host Dana Bash used the interview segment to repeatedly castigate the congressman by reminding him that his critics feel he is more interested in principles over responsibility.
The Drug Enforcement Administration uses roadside cameras and license plate readers to track millions of vehicles in the United States, documents show.
Kuwaiti paper claims unnamed Israeli minister with good ties with the US administration 'revealed the attack plan to John Kerry.'
In 1999, author Gordon Thomas took readers where they had never been before — inside the clandestine world of Israel’s spy agency, the Mossad. Now, in a new 2015 edition...
An artist who painted a portrait of former President Bill Clinton says there’s more to the piece than one might see at first blush. Pennsylvania artist Nelson Shanks told the Philadelphia Daily News that he included a shadow of a blue dress in the 2006 portrait that hangs in the National Portrait Gallery. It’s an apparent reference to the...
RENOWNED Bucks County portrait artist Nelson Shanks has painted everyone from Princess Diana to President Bill Clinton and from Pope John Paul II to Marisa Tomei. He and his wife, Leona, are the founders of Studio Incamminati, an art school on 12th Street near Callowhill.

Andrew Kaczynski on Twitter

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

“This is unbelievable: http://t.co/1KUbDYPSp2”
As of today, this is a list of all the 30 idiot Congressional Democrats who are skipping Netanyahu's speech because it 'offends' their anti-Israel president. And it's an ugly list too. According to...