You’ve heard it said that the science is settled. And it’s true. It is settled–settled beyond the possibility of any dispute. A fundamental, inescapable, indubitable bedrock scientific principle is that lousy theories make lousy predictions. Climate forecasts are lousy, therefore it is settled
Does President Obama really love America? CJ elaborates. To follow CJ on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/CJ-Pearson/1545846125681346?ref=hl To follo...
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — The Wisconsin Senate is set to dive into what figures to be a fierce debate on a Republican right-to-work bill after an evening of bitter protests over the legislation at the state Capitol.
According to CNN, ISIS has abducted close to one hundred Assyrian Christians in northeastern Syria. The attack occurred at roughly 4 a.m. Tuesday morning, as ISIS members stormed the village of Tal Shamiram and took away children, women and the elderly, according to the Assyrian Human Rights Network. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights claimed ISIS had taken 90 Assyrians. Some sources claimed ISIS members had boasted of capturing "56 crusaders" in Tal Shamiram.
Carly Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO who is flirting with a Republican presidential bid in 2016, took some tough shots Tuesday at the likely Democratic front-runner – effectively accusing Hillary Clinton of running for office on a record of air travel.
President Barack Obama's national security adviser is calling Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's decision to address Congress next week "destructive" to U.S.-Israel relations. Page 1 of 2
'Obama's veto is bad news for US workers and US energy security'
Greg Gutfeld reacted to Patricia Arquette's Oscar speech by saying "if Hollywood wants to talk about equality, look at their two worlds"
America is funding Palestinian terror, and every dime of taxpayer money going to the PA should be seized and given to the victims of terror.
With Ally Financial shares sold, the bailouts are now done.
Poor Michelle Obama. Did you know that she has struggled just like everyday folk? While giving one of her speeches without substance to a group of students assembled for a photo-op at the White Hou...
I’ve got work to do. I’ve got to finish the rough draft of a novel for a gaming IP by the end of February, and then I’ve got two short stories due the first part of March, but Monday morning I see this nonsense. How could I not take a minute to fisk it? http://www.xojane.com/entertainment/reading-challenge-stop-reading-white-straight-cis-male-authors-for-one-year…
According to Deadline, the total and 18-49 demo ratings for Sunday night’s pretty dreadful Oscar telecast drooped a considerable 14% over last year, reaching the lowest total number of viewers in 7 years.  Just 34.6 million tuned in last night.
David Axelrod: Growing 'Cult of Personality' Around Hillary Clinton is 'Dangerous' (February 24, 2015)
The auditor of the state of Vermont is raising serious questions about Jonathan Gruber's billing practices. The architect of ObamaCare may have pocked tens of thousands of dollars he said he paid to research assistants.
A brief overview of why the Framers gave us the convention mode in Article V and quotes from them and past presidents that supported this constitutional prov...
According to reports, ISIS has abducted as many as 90 Christians from their homes near Tal Tamr.
The group warns Democrats will portray her as an "Uncle Tom."
Mark Levin opened his show tonight ripping Lindsey Graham's argument that we should just support the court battle against Obama's illegal amnesty and not do anything to block it in Congress. Listen...
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler on Monday again declined to publicly release his aggressive net neutrality proposal prior to a vote,

Biden Should Run for President

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

If you want a sense of what Vice President Joe Biden is mulling for the next stage of his career, just look at his travel plans. On Wednesday, he will visit New Hampshire to collect an award. This comes a week after a trip to South Carolina, and two weeks...
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
Wal-Mart is Exhibit A in the argument against imposing a one-size-fits-all minimum wage straitjacket on the U.S. economy. It is raising wages for workers not because it wants to be nice, but because competition for workers is forcing it to do so.
The Conservative Political Action Conference is the biggest annual gathering of Republican leaders and conservative activists, but neither Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell nor House Speaker John A. Boehner is scheduled to make the 10-mile drive from Capitol Hill to speak to CPAC this year, underscoring the lingering tensions between Republican Washington leadership and the party's grass roots.