AMMAN (Reuters) - Islamic State militants have abducted at least 90 people from Assyrian Christian villages in northeastern Syria, a monitoring group tracking violence in Syria said on Tuesday.The British-based

Rebuilding the Rust Belt

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Tears stream down Lakeisha Jeffries’ face and over her chin onto a few dried splotches of bright indoor wall paint. Words falter and she apologizes for the surge of gratitude. “I’m sorry. It’s so … I can’t talk about it … My whole life … changed.”Jeffries is part of a work crew renovating a house...
Are you better off than you were four years ago? Ronald Reagan asked at the close of the sole debate in the 1980 election, ticking off a list of things — the economy, unemployment, the country’s world standing — that had all headed south with the Democrats’ leadership, and the country agreed they were not. And so from now till the polls close in 2016, Republicans should ask the American people if the world is now better off than it was when Obama took office, and point at the ways it is not. Iran and Vladimir Putin are both better off, and Islamist extremists are better off beyond their wildest dreams of six years ago, but that about does it. Israel is not better off — its relations with us are worse than the weather; Ukraine is not better off — it is being slowly dismembered; Syria, Libya and Yemen are not better off — they had dictators then, but were not yet a war zone — Denmark, France and Australia are not better off — their cities were not yet the targets of Islamist extremists; and Iraq — the subject of so much intense misrememberance — is perhaps the least better-off of them all.
Al Sharpton is all about the Benjamins, a daughter of police chokehold victim Eric Garner claims in a bombshell videotape. Erica Snipes tees off on the reverend as interested primarily...
I'm not sure which is more absurd, for the media to be up in arms about former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani's statement that he doesn't believe that President Obama loves America or for them to mug Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker for declining to weigh in on the subject..02/24/2015 16:45:42PM EST.
Economist Nicholas Eberstadt asserts that the unwillingness of people to marry or stay married is setting humanity on a dangerous course.
A U.S. Marine who vanished a decade ago in Iraq has been found guilty of desertion charges related to his disappearances there and in Lebanon.
If Scott Walker can run for president, he is challenging the basic cultural class identity of the mainstream left.
Rev. Al Sharpton to lose daily show on MSNBC
This should be easy
Barack Obama greets former Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) and Governor Bobby Jindal during a trip to Louisiana. Governor Bobby Jindal continued his attacks on community organizer and President Barack Obama today in an op-ed at FOX News. Jindal says Obama…
Congress is warning that billions of dollars in U.S. arms sales to Qatar could be enabling the Arab country’s support for leading terrorist organizations and allies, according to a letter to the administration being circulated on Capitol Hill.

Why conservatives hate college

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The right's decades-long war on academia and "liberal professors" is about defining an elite "populists" can oppose
Breitbart News will be live-blogging and commenting on tonight’s Oscar ceremony until the bitter end, which will probably be sometime tomorrow. Latest updates at the top. — 12:06 – It’s Over… Closing Thoughts… By  tomorrow everyone will have already forgotten
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal joined about 900 Californians Saturday at the Unite IE Conference in Riverside's Fox Theater with a strong, unapologetic and presidential speech that focused on “the importance of repealing all of Obamacare,” repealing “all of Common Core,” and winning “the war against radical Islamic terror.”
CNN reports on the latest ISIS propaganda video, which features 21 captured Kurdish fighters paraded through the streets of an Iraqi city (evidently near Kirkuk) in cages ominously similar to the one that held Jordanian pilot Mu'ath al-Kaseasbeh when he was burned alive.
                                             Once more My quondam dean in University Hall Stands in the breach of peace, whence he will call Down fire on the bald, woolly heads of all Professors of the other point of…
Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), the first openly gay member of the U.S. Senate, may have landed herself in some trouble after i.02/23/2015 16:14:10PM EST.
Islamists’ goals are incompatible with our civilization’s survival. Therefore, we must defeat radical Islamism decisively.
"Remember, big government sucks."
During an interview with House of Cards actor Kevin Spacey for NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday, correspondent Cynthia McFadden noted: "A life-long Democrat, Spacey says he, like many Americans, is frustrated with Washington." Spacey proclaimed: "I think that what is truly unfortunate is when an entire party makes a decision that they're going to block every single thing that a president wants to accomplish. It's very – it's very hard to get anything done in those circumstances."
Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was prepared to go full force against President Obama if he tried to replace her in 2013. Wasserman Schultz, according to Politico, was going to accuse Obama of being anti-woman and anti-Semitic — apparently to cover all the bases — if he dared consider replacing her as chairwoman. Schultz was beginning to “line up supporters” to make the suggestion when she “sensed” Obama was considering removing her from the DNC. Wasserman Schultz’s position as the head of the DNC has long been a source of contention among Democrats, and Politico has previously documented the issue. In September 2014, Wasserman Schultz’s gaffes caught up to her when a string of Democrats voiced their distaste for the way the Florida congresswoman had led the party.
I call myself a libertarian, but boy do libertarians get on my nerves. The freedom philosophy used to be about trashing government aggression and poking fun at statism. But thanks to the rise of left-libertarian organizations, the philosophy has been infiltrated by ignorant hacks. Libertarianism is now chock-full of whiners who want smaller government for…
Don’t let the big fights obscure and distract from these important issues that will restore a degree liberty in America.
An Irving immigration lawyer was arrested Friday morning on federal fraud charges for allegedly forging visa applications for illegal immigrants she represented, the U.S. attorney’s office said. Sherin Thawer, 45,…