Say what you want about George W. Bush, but the guy is a man’s man. He means what he says, and he says what he means.
Sen. Ted Cruz has a narrow edge over Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker in a new survey on 2016 GOP hopefuls in Texas.
Lauren Cooley, 22, is a recent grad of Furman College who managed to keep her conservative beliefs intact despite many of her professors’ best efforts. Now she’s dedicated to helping her peers do the same. Cooley is co-author and editor

Hillary Clinton’s War on Women

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Analysis: As senator, Clinton paid women 72 cents for each dollar paid to men


Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

From a guaranteed right to hormone therapy for transgendered illegal aliens, to a prospective Attorney General saying that illegals have the same right to a ...
May God guide us in our words so that we can be at the right time and the right place for veterans or for those who care about them.
Not one but two bills have been proposed in Congress that could drastically reduce the size of the police state. Contact your Congressperson inside this link.
"Freedom of speech depends on whether an individual feels offended. It depends on the person."
If Obamacare had never become law, scores of working-class Americans would be logging more hours and making more money.
The quotes from the article terrify liberals...

The Transgender Triumph

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Read conservative news, blogs and opinion about Charlotte Allen, children, Gender Dysphoria, Gender Reassignment, The Man Who Would Be Queen: The Science of Gender-Bending and Transsexualism, Transgender, Transsexual and Children from The Weekly Standard, the must read magazine available in online edition.
Left-Fascism: Free Speech Restrictions on Campus - Nick Sorrentino - Personal Finance, Financial Advice, Money, Business News, Real Estate, Mortgages, Investments, Stocks, Ransom Notes Radio, John Ransom
Hollywood conservative John Ratzenberger, best known for starring in the long-running Cheers, appeared on Fox News, Friday, to blast liberal elitists who look down on those without college degrees. Your World anchor Neil Cavuto referenced Scott Walker and noted, "He didn't finish college. So, he doesn't have that prestigious degree. He could be up against an Ivy Leaguer like Hillary Clinton." Ratzenberger zinged, "You know Ivy Leaguers and I know Ivy Leaguers. And I tell you, those are not the people whose houses you rush to after an earthquake." 
Lindsey Graham: Let Courts Stop Obama's Executive Amnesty -
Following a federal judge’s decision to strike down a ban on carrying handguns in Washington, D.C., Washington Free Beacon’s Stephen Gutowski applied for a concealed carry permit. He reportedly filled out a “bunch of paperwork,” gave the city his fingerprints and paid $110. Three months later,...
Catalist may - MAY - have gotten caught doing naughty things for its Democratic clients.
CNN On Clinton Foreign Fundraising: "Damaging," Reminds Americans Of Selling Lincoln Bedroom (February 22, 2015)

The Transgender Triumph

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Read conservative news, blogs and opinion about Charlotte Allen, children, Gender Dysphoria, Gender Reassignment, The Man Who Would Be Queen: The Science of Gender-Bending and Transsexualism, Transgender, Transsexual and Children from The Weekly Standard, the must read magazine available in online edition.
For many years, Texas Congressman Ron Paul was one of the greatest champions for liberty in Congress. In 2012, Paul's tenure in Congress came to an end though, and with seemingly no adequate replacement to take the torch. Rand Paul, his son, has done many great things in the Senate during his short political career,…
#TheRefinery crew talk about the recent protests at Scott Walker's PARENT'S house and discuss the lengths to which the Left goes to in order to defeat their ...
Do the Gun Free Zone signs at the Mall of America provide significant protection from the jihadi attack called for by the Somali affiliate of al Queda?
Study shows that current government regulations imposed by the Bureau of Land Management are harming energy production and holding back the U.S. economy.
"Already this calendar year, since January 1, we have had more than 20,000 people come across the border, apprehended, unauthorized. And so we have an ongoing problem on the border that Congress must step up and solve."
Republican insiders believe that any candidate who is labeled as pro-amnesty will not win the 2016 nomination, conceding how strongly GOP primary voters are opposed to illegal immigration and amnesty for illegal immigrants. After surveying political insiders from the early primary states,