Watch: The scumbag who sucker-punched a 12-year-old boy dancing on a sidewalk has been charged with 2 felonies, but cops are still searching for him. Cedric Charles Moore Jr. has been charged with felony assault in the second degree and felony child endangerment in the first degree due to the age of the victim […]
Court records show Democrat Joe Radinovich, a former Minnesota state representative, has been something of a ticket scofflaw until just recently.
Following Parkland Democrats and the 'Fake News' Media used pawns like David Hogg to push for gun control bills that would ultimately make students and Americans less safe.
Comey's book tour and media love-feast will just be another example of how far the Network News Standards have fallen, and how hypocritical Democrats are.
Female Trump Official Assaulted By Democrat Heather Swift, press secretary Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, was allegedly assaulted by an American Bridge staffe
Once the number three man at the DOJ, now mail delivery boy Bruce Ohr could face jail time for failing to disclose his and his wife connection to Fusion GPS and the discredited Trump dossier.
11,000 Leaked messages from the private Twitter account of Julian Assange made it clear he believed a Clinton presidency would be the worst thing to happen not only to the world, but also for freedom and democracy in the United States.
The New York City Police Department is getting upgraded with new iPhones and Black Lives Matter (BLM) isn't thrilled with the idea. Hmmm, wonder why?