Instead of learning their lesson from 2016 Presidential election, the SOTU rebuttal proves the Democrats didn't learn a thing from that historic loss.
Part Three of Three Of BluePillSheep.com Look At the Hypocrisy of Hollywood Liberal Elites throwing their Hissy Fit "People's State Of The Union" Party
If the "Do as I say, not as I do" Ultra Rich Hollywood liberals truly believe President Trump has his finger on the button, why would they need to fund-raise to throw their PSOTU Party? Or charge $47 a person to get in?
Part one - More than a year after their most horrifying nightmare became a reality. The PSOTU will be the liberals way to celebrate the 'resistance' movement against Americas legitimately elected President. But Democrats Are Also Showing Their Insane Hypocrisy as well.
Liberals were screaming mad as Democratic leaders suddenly pulled their panties right over their heads giving them an atomic-wedgie after they caved in on the Schumer Shutdown