Warner Bros. appears to have gone all in on Hollywood?s Trump Hate movement, with their controversial stand-alone new Batman Social Justice Warrior SJW The Joker origin film. 
Cynthia Nixon An Angry Lesbian, Anti-Semite, Hollywood actress, known for her role on Sex and the City, with the last name Nixon Running For #NY Gov. What could possibly go wrong?
The Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD) liberal PC Party Pooper Police forgot to take their Ritalin because NOW have their panties all knotted about the "Black Panther" Movie.
Part Three of Three Of BluePillSheep.com Look At the Hypocrisy of Hollywood Liberal Elites throwing their Hissy Fit "People's State Of The Union" Party
Recently, Michael Moore and MoveOn.org sent out a fund-raising e-mail begging people to help bankroll their Hollywood coup against Donald Trump. And when liberals say "You" They mean "Your Money."
Hollywood celebrities suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) are coming to New York City to attend the "People's State of the Union" protest and scream at their sky king.