
Eric Schmidt, the one who propelled Google to the top | AMIGAMAG
Submitted 5 years ago by med ada • business entrepreneur google ceo
Eric Schmidt is a seasoned businessman born in Washington, DC in 1955. After a Bachelor's degree in electronics at Princeton University and a master's and a doctorate in computer science at Berkeley, he developed his computer skills in companies renowned like Bell Laboratories or Zilog. But it was in 1983 when he joined Sun Microsystems that his career took off because he quickly rose through the levels to become general and technical director of the group. In 1997, Schmidt became CEO of Novell and made a name for himself in the IT world, becoming one of the forerunners of Java technology.


Find Out What Facebook Knows About You
Submitted 6 years ago by BluePillSheep .com • facebook google youtube data data mining
Facebook tracked almost every single interaction you've had with the social network since you joined. Here's how to see everything Facebook knows about you.