Liberal Panties Got all Knotted up After David Hogg tweeted that he was Rejected By College. Tick...Tock...Tick...Tock. Any moment now David Hogg's 15-minutes will be up.
I guess MSNBC and Ari Melber can say anything, claim its a FACT as long as you believe in Unicorns that poop Rainbows, and of course, you never have to prove it.
While he deserves our sympathy. This one event makes David Hogg as much an expert on gun control as he's would be a dermatologist because his pimple cleared up.
Despite everyone EXCEPT Trump dropping the ball this Loony Toon liberal said the president’s actions and rhetoric “ bring out the violence in people.”
President Trump said He would have gone into the Parkland High School unarmed, making the Liberal Left lose their collective Borg-drone minds.
Sheriff Israel The 2nd Worst POS In Broward County but with each passing minute this POS Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel is more of a POS human being than even I originally thought.
On Saturday the National Rifle Association (NRA) fought back against the corporations kowtowing to the liberals and their hypocritical boycott campaign that is attacking any and all NRA sponsors.
Twitter scrubbing any tweet involving the Broward Cowards, Sheriff Israel, Dana Loesch, Parkland and the NRA on accounts top tweets.
This just keeps getting worse as an anonymous Parkland School Shooting First Responder came forward to tell his story.
Broward County Sheriff Israel failed to see not only the killers mental issues, but also to see the yellow streak in Peterson and now it looks like his whole department.
"There have been 18 shooting incidents at schools in 2018." It was a lie but MSNBC, CNN, and windbags like Bernie Sanders gave the lie merit. Do you really believe the left cares if Bernie Bullshitter is tweeted out the truth?
This is insane, that the NSA can spy on every American, and an FBI investigation stopped dead in its tracks after being thwarted by the letter "K."