
Tucker Carlson Faces Off Against "Creepy Porn Lawyer" Michael Avenatti
Submitted 6 years ago by Blue Pill Sheep • tucker creepy porn lawyer fox news trump stormy
Must See TV as "Creepy Porn Lawyer" Michael Avenatti showed up on Fox News and lost his poop when his rhetoric was questioned by Tucker Carlson.


Lanny Davis Comes Clean, CNN Still A Filthy POS
Submitted 6 years ago by Blue Pill Sheep • maga qanon kag trump donaldtrump cnn fakenews cnnlies cohen stormy lanny davis
Color me shocked, Lanny Davis, a close ally, and an indicted co-conspirator of the Clinton Crime family, appeared on CNN and confirmed he was CNN’s source and he and CNN lied.


NY Times Reporter Tweets About Stormy Daniels, Hilarity Ensues
Submitted 6 years ago by Blue Pill Sheep • tnn fake news stormy daniels tweet ny times
New York Times reporter Matt Flegenheimer just made himself and the paper of record the laughingstock on social media after he tweeted out this stupidity.