Nancy Pelosi hates President Trumps Border wall. She gave a multitude of reason, each getting more asinine as she went along. Here are our Top 5.
Nicole Wallace MSNBC's dimwitted liberal loony toon POS host going off the rails by claiming “We're only talking about this [Parkland shooting] because let's be honest, 17 white kids were killed"
When Donny Douche spits out "Oh Please" Elise Jordan MSNBC Commentator and NOW MSNBC's Body Language Expert should have realized she was saying something stupid.
MSNBC's mentally unstable activist women hosts quickly spun the whole Porter incident into an attack on anyone who currently in the White House who pees standing up.
Dreamers face an uncertain future and the blame falls squarely on the Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Liberal Left-wing Democrats. They miscalculated badly on how much support the American people would provide DACA, and belligerent Illegal Immigrants.
President Trump in a Tuesday tweet called on Democrats to get tough on illegal immigration “fast” after an Indianapolis Colts player was struck and killed by an Illegal immigrant
Out of dozens of attempts made on Trump's Border Wall Prototypes, one guy made it to the top but he couldn't get down so they had to bring him down with a cherry picker.
Schumer's "do as I say not as I do" backstabbing Trump and the Republicans, means when the current CR ends, we can expect another government shut down.