
This judge just ruined Mosby's day...


I recently had the opportunity to view a private screening of Cassie Jaye’s controversial new feature documentary “The Red Pill” ....


A Technocracy is a hypothetical system of governance where decision-makers and government representatives are selected on the basis of their technological knowledge as well as their means to automa…


Some Republicans say it hinders logging and drilling


It may have been the Chicago Cubs’ day at the White House, but that didn’t stop President Obama from repeatedly talking about himself while honoring them. In what he called his final ceremony at the White House, Obama delivered roughly 22 minutes of remarks about the Cubs’ World Series win, and in the process, managed …


Kass: Who shaped Chicago Police Department culture in DOJ report? They weren't saints.


CNN analyst Marc Lamont Hill attacked a fellow panelist Monday for his work on Donald Trump's National Diversity Coalition, calling him a "mediocre Negro" being


In a speech that one-upped even some of the president-elect’s colorful Twitter commentary, Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday called Donald Trump’s political enemies “worse than prostitutes” for disseminating a dubiously-sourced dossier last week alleging a relationship between Trump and the Kremlin.


Political strategist Jehmu Greene says suspicion of Russian hacking in the election was an attack on US democracy, agrees with Rep. John Lewis that Trump's presidency is illegitimate and sounds


Mason Weaver, an author and former member of the Black Panther movement, said Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) presided over the "destruction of black America" in the years following his march with other Civil Rights leaders across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in 1965.


The conclusions of the Justice Department’s damning report on the Chicago Police Department were probably foreordained.


Republicans made a promise they can’t keep. Obamacare supporters have chances to use that against them.


New York Times columnist Paul Krugman continued the attacks on Donald Trump this weekend writing it was “patriotic” to call ...


We Need Your Support: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate MP3: http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/3560/the-truth-about-martin-luther-king-jrs-i-have-a-dream-spee...


Rep. Tom Price purchased shares in a medical device manufacturer days before introducing legislation that would have directly benefited the company, records show


Bill O'Reilly reacted to the approximate $500,000 that has been raised for the Talladega College 'Marching Tornadoes' band's trip to participate in the Inauguration Day ceremony for President-elect Donald Trump in Washington.


The filmmaker is leading a protest Thursday outside Trump International Hotel & Tower with Mark Ruffalo, Alec Baldwin and Mayor de Blasio.


Despite many complaints of partisan gridlock and obstructionist tactics because of Republicans, Democrats are now preparing to play roadblock to the Republican Party. Armed with hyperbole and extre...


"The goal is to bring America together and Americans."


Comedian DL Hughley had some harsh words for Donald Trump in a twitter video he posted last weekend.


The Women’s March on Washington’s message could not be clearer: “women” does not include pro-life women or women in the womb.


Silly media, polls are for kids.