The expected Women’s March on Washington, scheduled for this Sunday, says of itself that it “will send a bold message to our new government on their first day in office, and to the world that women's rights are human rights. We stand together, recognizing that defending the most marginalized among us is defending all of us.” Well, not all of us.
Seventy-four percent say Trump should release his tax returns, which the president-elect refused to do during his campaign.
On Monday afternoon, reporters stationed inside Trump Tower begged Martin Luther King III to attack President-elect Trump over tweets concerning Democratic Congressman John Lewis (Ga.) following a meeting on the day honoring King’s father, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
In claiming that Donald Trump admitted during his press conference on Wednesday that Russia interfered in the US election parts of the Western media are misrepresenting his words.
A Connecticut Republican politician has been arrested for allegedly grabbing a female in the groin area without her consent.
    Congressman John Lewis is leading a defiant movement on the House floor to push new legislation against the Second Amendment and due process of law. The movement, which involves a bunch of grown men and women sitting on the floor in the middle of the House of Representatives, is pushing for legislation that would make anyone appearing on a government watchlist ineligible for a gun purchase. The premise of the argument is that if you are on a government watchlist, you’re guilty until proven innocent and thus should be deprived of your constitutional rights. This is interesting because of who Congressman Lewis is. Congressman Lewis, once Chair of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, is one of the “Big Six” civil rights leaders from the sixties. As one of these six major leaders, he was a major leader in the Civil Rights Movement and also helped organize the March on Washington. Of the other five leaders in the “Big Six” was Martin Luther King Jr. King’s history is well documented?
A Pasadena Episcopal church known in the area for its liberal views is torn over whether or not to publicly utter the name "Donald Trump" in its prayers, citing fears of "legitimately triggering trauma and compromising the safety of the worship space." Just saying the name Trump aloud, even in a prayer for him, the church leaders fear, might inflict "legitimate trauma" on immigrants and victims of sexual abuse. 
Rep. Tom Price purchased shares in a medical device manufacturer days before introducing legislation that would have directly benefited the company, records show
In a series of interviews in March of 2014, Donald Trump singled out Russia as the United States' "biggest problem" and greatest geopolitical foe.
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DisruptJ20 has been exposed, but it's what we expected in the first place. Motion Background:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCII4... Music by AShamaluevMusi...
A look at the job market in the proper context, and Obama's record as president is pretty dismal.
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.
Why is conventional opinion so quick to assume that the American people lack the imagination and initiative if insurance schemes get scrambled overnight?
On Monday, BuzzFeed headlined, “These 8 Men Own As Much Wealth As Half The World.” This vital bit of information came with this supporting fact, courtesy of BuzzFeed special correspondent James Ball and UK editorial developer Chris Applegate: “The world’s eight richest men are worth $426 billion. The world’s poorest 3.7 billion people together own $409 billion -- $17 billion less.” Those statistics come courtesy of Oxfam. BuzzFeed tut-tuts:
The divinity schools at Duke and Vanderbilt Universities have instructed their professors to start using more “inclusive” language when referring to God because the masculine pronouns “have served as a cornerstone of the patriarchy.” For example: This year’s divinity course catalogue at Vanderbilt tells professors to give “consistent attention to the use of inclusive language, especially in relation to the Divine,” because the school “commits continuously and explicitly to include gender as an analyzed category and to mitigate sexism.” “It is up to the individual professor’s interpretation for their classes and is suggestive rather than mandatory,” the associate dean for academic affairs at Vanderbilt’s divinity school, Melissa Snarr, said in an e-mail to Heat Street. Now, that may sound fair, but in many cases, it’s really not up to the professor. For example, if we are talking about the Christian God, every single reference to Him in the Bible uses a masculine pronoun . . . which kind of gives you the vibe that Christians have decided that their god is a dude. The fact is, teaching anything else would be giving inaccurate information — which is what makes Duke’s particular guidelines even more absurd. According to Heat Street, Duke’s particular divinity school is “geared toward people already working in the Methodist church, taking supplemental weekend or summer classes.” Yes, “Methodist,” as in the Christian religion that has already completely, officially, 100 percent decided that their God is a man. And yet, Duke’s guidelines suggest avoiding gender specific pronouns when discussing Him and suggest using “God” and “Godself” instead. (Yes — “Godself.”) Look: The great thing about this country is that your religion can be whatever you want it to be. If, in your eyes, God is a woman or genderfluid or a microwave, then you can totally refer to God as being a woman or genderfluid or a microwave. Literally no one is stopping you. In fact, there is an entire Constitution protecting your right to worship His Holiness Microwave if that’s how you want to live your life. But if you are talking about the God of the Methodist religion, then it’s just plain inaccurate to refer to Him as anything but “Him.” It would be like teaching Hamlet and calling Hamlet “she.”  There is a point where an obsession over political correctness can blind people from basic of facts, and call me archaic, but I really do feel like facts are still the way to go. — Katherine Timpf is a reporter for National Review Online. 
Obama wanted to “fundamentally transform” America but instead turned out to be an incremental statist. Even if Obama's policy wins aren't revoked, they were hardly game-changers.
A defamation lawsuit in the “Clock Boy” incident was part of an agenda to suppress any speech critical of Islam.
A federal judge has ruled that key parts of a lawsuit against Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby, filed by five of the six officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray, can move forward.
Trump's pick for director of communications at the National Security Council "will not be taking a position in the incoming administration," she said Monday.
Project Veritas has dropped another undercover video bombshell. This time they are exposing radical leftist group, D.C. Anti-Fascist Coalition. They ...
Trump's pronouncement on NATO has set off alarm bells.
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He fought hard to preserve the best of America’s principles and values.
A proposed law that would punish countries that refuse to take back their illegal immigrant criminals is two years too late to save Casey Chadwick, but the Texas congressman behind it figures it’s the least Washington can do.