If big outsourcing companies can't arbitrage H-1B, new players might use them.
Minnesota-Somali Muslim Legislator, Ilhan Omar was elected to be a State Representative for a district that includes “Little Mogadishu” November 8, 2016.
BROOKLYN, NY—Acknowledging that the man’s right-wing views are more nuanced than one might expect, 36-year-old liberal Diana Hardwick confided to reporters Tuesday that her conservative acquaintance Brady Daniels is, quite frustratingly, not r...

Dissent Is Fashionable Again

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Fashion designers who oppose Trump shouldn’t have to work for him. Likewise Christian bakers and same-sex weddings.

Obama MOCKS person with disabilty

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

How sad.. and Donald TRUMP "appears" to mock qa disabled person and it makes headlines .. Trump is talking about bringing jobs back to America, knows where w...
On Thursday evening, Jeff Jeans of Sedona, Arizona asked Speaker of the House Paul Ryan a question during a CNN townhall. He said he had voted for Presidents Reagan and George Bush, and that he had originally opposed Obamacare. “When it was passed,” he said, “I told my wife we would close our business before I complied with this law.” He was then diagnosed with a “very curable type of cancer” at 49 and told he had six weeks to live. He said he was denied treatment because he didn’t have insurance, even though he offered to pay three times the cost.
President-elect Donald Trump plans to nominate Rod Rosenstein, the U.S. attorney in Maryland, for the job of deputy attorney general, according to a source familiar with the matter.
In their first week before congressional panels, Mr. Trump’s cabinet nominees broke with him on almost every major policy that has put Mr. Trump outside Republican orthodoxy.
For awhile, Sarah Palin was one of the more controversial political figures in the United States. The former Governor of Alaska and Vice Presidential nominee was an icon of the Tea Party movement, praised for charisma, but ridiculed for her less intelligent statements. But now, it seems as...
The Speaker demonstrated the move at the end of a CNN town hall.
Reality Check: Buzzfeed/CNN DID Push #Fakenews in Trump Intelligence Memos"
Irrational fear of fellow countrymen is spreading among America's ruling class.
Oscar winner: "We, as a country, need to support whoever is the president."
The great conservative civil rights icon Roy Innis has died at 82 from complications from Parkinson’s disease.  Though not as known on the national scene as race-baiters Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, Innis was a powerhouse to the Right. He led the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) for forty years and was the bane of so many civil rights figures on the Left.
Post-referendum British industry "boomed back to life", defying predictions of an "immediate and profound shock" to the economy.
'Privilege' is just another term for strong family ties. That means we’ll serve more people by expanding privilege rather than by destroying it.
Bikers for Trump has little patience for leftist protest fools, and is vowing to supplement the regular security that accompanies a new president at an inauguration with that of thousands of bikers devoted to keeping that inauguration safe. Here is Bikers for Trump leader, Chris Cox, telling Fox Business’s Stuart Varney that while they don’t …
Senior members of President-elect Donald …
The group said the event will "start the resistance" against the incoming administration which "is not likely to serve the people."
Cris Lingle, originally from Georgia, is an international economist with a teaching position at Francisco Marroquín University in Guatemala. In particular, he specializes in political economy and publ
Donald Trump, Comedian Steve Harvey speak to the press
“I believe in forgiveness. I believe in trying to work with people,” Rep. John Lewis said.
The harder work — to actually repeal and replace the law — is still to come.
The U.S. House of Representatives on Friday cleared the way for quick confirmation of James Mattis to serve as President-elect Donald Trump's secretary of defense, backing a waiver that will allow him to serve less than seven years after retiring from active duty as a Marine General in 2013.
Paul Ryan: Trump mass deportations "not happening"