
PANAMA CITY: “Obama has screwed all Cubans,” Yadiel Cruz, a Cuban in Panama bitterly told Agence France-Presse on Thursday upon learning the US president has suddenly made it tougher for migrants like him to get into America. The 33-year-old summed up what many compatriots were feeling as they digested the news in a Catholic shelter


Review of studies cited: https://youtu.be/DjHbeKajpl4 Race-of-officer studies cited: Fyfe (1981): http://psycnet.apa.org/psycinfo/1982-24517-001 _my hardcopy...


In a new low this week even for the liberal media, BuzzFeed, CNN and other establishment outlets have published unfounded and unsupported fake news about President-elect Trump’s ties to Russia. It i


As more and more evidence comes to light proving that the Trump Dossier is a fake the claim the US intelligence community and the Western media could neither verify nor refute it is shown to be untrue.


Pro-transgender "Die Cis Scum" and "TERF Stomper" buttons are being sold on the website Etsy, a massive online marketplace for homemade goods.


After the U.S. Justice Department revealed on Thursday that it was launching an investigation into FBI Director James Comey's decision to announce that the bureau was reopening its investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server, President-elect Donald Trump reminded everyone what he'd been saying for months on the campaign trail: Hillary's "guilty as hell."


On Wednesday, an Atlanta police officer found a hand-written "Black Lives Matter" message on a box of doughnuts he ordered from a Krispy Kreme store in the Smyrna area.
The incident was first reported by a pro-police blog called Blue Lives Matter. A photo of the box was posted to the blog:


A German regional court has now declared that burning down synagogues isn’t anti-Semitic – it’s just anti-Israel. As the Jerusalem Post reports, according to the court spokesperson, Johannes Pinnel, the three German Palestinian Arabs who threw Molotov cocktails at a Wuppertal synagogue in July 2014 weren’t doing anything anti-Jewish. Rather, they were attempting to create “attention” over the “Gaza conflict” between Israel and the terrorist group Hamas.


Lockheed Martin Corp.’s chief told President-elect Donald Trump it’s close to a deal with the Pentagon to lower costs “significantly’’ for the next production lot of its F-35 fighter jet and will boost hiring at the Texas factory where the advanced aircraft is made.


Sen. John McCain said he did 'what any citizen would do' in turning the dirty dossier, which contained unconfirmed secrets about the president-elect, over to the FBI


The Obama administration is aware of frequent contacts between President-elect Donald Trump's national security adviser Michael Flynn and Russia's ambassador to the United States.


Movie critic Frank Scheck of The Hollywood Reporter offered a rave review of President Obama's farewell address on Tuesday night, hailing it in the headline as "One Last Reminder of What Presidential Looks Like." Donald Trump is all "schoolyard taunts" for white people in "silly hats," while Obama is so terrific that "Watching him walk off the stage made you feel like a child desperately holding onto a father’s pants [sic] legs to try to prevent him from leaving the house."


Russia has no dirt on Donald Trump, according to the president-elect, who in a Friday tweet storm fingered US intelligence agencies for “probably” releasing a scandalous, unverified dossier on him …


Liberals are increasingly adopting Trumpist rhetoric and strategies in their reaction to Donald Trump.


Senators Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham hit the morning television circuit Thursday to unveil their new bill to defund the United Nations.
Standing shoulder to shoulder and smiling, the two national security-minded lawmakers appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe and Fox News’ Fox and Friends to detail a plan that would block taxpayer dollars from funding the corrupt international body.


The ex-Congressman and the President have a history.


The Messy Truth With Van Jones | FULL Donald Trump Post Election Special


The investigation found widespread evidence of unconstitutional use of force. It was launched more than a year ago after a black teenager was shot and killed by a white Chicago police officer.


Chicago police have violated the constitutional rights of residents for years, permitting racial bias against blacks, using excessive force and shooting people who did not pose immediate threats, the Justice Department announced Friday after a yearlong investigation. Officers endangered...


So, on Thursday, President Barack Obama surprised Vice President Joe Biden with a special Medal of Freedom – the ultimate participation trophy. Everyone got a bit teary-eyed as Obama, in lieu of the White House, gave Biden a lump of metal that doesn’t mean a whole hell of a lot (Robert De Niro got one this year, and so did Robert Redford). Biden’s eyes lit up as he saw the shiny object.
But make no mistake: Biden isn’t done yet.


Businesses are passing along the cost of the tax to consumers, because that's how taxes work. Someone get Jim Kenney an economics textbook.


Irrational fear of fellow countrymen is spreading among America's ruling class.


Universities across the country are participating in a "teach-in" movement this month dedicated to “challenging Trumpism.”


Donald Trump tweets that his cabinet picks' views are not his.