Apparently, producers and editors of the leftstream TV channels lost ability to distinguish fiction from reality.  Such TV genres as reality shows, environmentalist propaganda, and the liberal driv…
CNN's Jake Tapper reported Wednesday morning that intelligence officials looked into allegations from an explosive unsubstantiated memo that Trump lawyer


Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

I thought I would share my experience on how becoming conservative helped me tremendously in my life, in overcoming severe depression. Plus, I explain why I ...
President Obama referred to himself 75 times in his farewell address Tuesday night, according to a review of his prepared remarks by The Daily Caller. Obama heavily promoted the speech, penning a
“The Future of Conservatism in America” - Allen West: In some ten days, we will have the inauguration of .01/11/2017 8:56:08AM EST.
Suspended for five years despite no finding that he was 'responsible.'
It's only the second week of 2017, but it's already been a banner year for preening liberals on cable TV who are hell-bent on self-immolation in the name of proving everyone else's moral...

Unmasking Masculinity

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

AIM 2016: Equity By Anna Okada, Mason Sapp, Mallory McGowan, Gary Griffis
Venezuela is no longer a country with a government, institutions and a civil society. It’s a geographic area terrorized by a criminal enterprise that pretends to govern, with a civil society made u…
Kiev officials are scrambling to make amends with the president-elect after quietly working to boost Clinton.
A thorough rebuttal of Bernie Sanders' CNN Town Hall lies. Taken from #DailyCrowder at CRTV.com Take media back and join the Mug Club: http://louderwithcrowd...
On Tuesday evening, in what appeared to be a well-calibrated hit piece against President-Elect Donald Trump on the day before his pre-inauguration press conference, CNN ran a story about how both Trump and President Obama had been briefed on an unverified intelligence report alleging corrupt ties between Trump and the Russian government. BuzzFeed quickly jumped on that lead to dump the entire report, which apparently had been circulating in journalistic circles for months, but which could not be verified. There are two major questions here.
After the Big Three networks spent days forwarding accusations that Senator Jeff Sessions was a bigot, the time for his first confirmation hearing had finally arrived. The hearing was interrupted some nine times by roughly 25 people. This caught the attention of Senator Ted Cruz who made it his mission to set the record straight on his colleague’s history of combating racism and dared the liberal media to report the truth. ABC, CBS, and NBC all failed Cruz’s challenge Tuesday evening.
If you were hoping for some introspection, or less lecturing, you'll be disappointed.
Also, respect the career staff. Otherwise things go poorly.
President Obama isn't wrong when he says no terrorist group has pulled off a foreign-directed attack on U.S. soil under his watch, but that claim is heavily caveated to obscure the reality of terrorism in America. Because of the extraordinary courage of our men and women in uniform, and the intelligence officers, law enforcement, and diplomats who support them, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland these past eight years, the president said during his farewell address in Chicago. He added, Although Boston and Orlando and San Bernardino and Fort Hood remind us about how dangerous radicalization can be, our law enforcement agencies are more effective and vigilant than ever. Technically speaking, Obama's claim regarding attacks on the homeland is not wrong. Since his first inauguration in 2009, no foreign terrorist organization has planned and launched a successful attack on the U.S. from abroad.
Here's what it really means to 'de-colonize' Plato
Trump supporters are becoming increasingly agitated over the mysterious disappearance of their “God Emperor Trump” Facebook group which has garnered over 211,000 members. Former members are accusing Mark Zuckerberg of purposely pushing forward a conservative censorship effort to suppress overwhelming support for the president-elect. Recent censoring efforts on social media platforms are starting to brew opposing strategies, one proposal is to start a religion which would be exempt from persecution. Citing HBO comedian John Oliver’s “Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption” as precedent, theoretically a religion worshipping Trump would be plausible. What is perhaps most troubling about Facebook's censorship is their acceptance for anti-semitic hate groups which are allowed to flourish. One active Facebook hate group is “Death To America & Israel”, which was established in 2013. Apparently Facebook thinks the following image is less offensive than The President Of The United States    
Senator Rand Paul sat down to talk about his new plan to replace Obamacare without adding $9.7 trillion to the national debt. President Elect Donald Trump is...
Michael Cohen, an attorney for the president-elect, denied allegations contained in a dossier published by BuzzFeed News.
Low expectations and a lack of ideology will work to Trump's advantage.
Being attractive shapes many things in a person's life -- including, apparently, their politics

Senator Ted Cruz on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“Proud to introduce Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act w @MarioDB. It's time to call the enemy by its name https://t.co/0V7Psi2jC1”
The online news site BuzzFeed on Tuesday published a letter containing salacious allegations — which even the left-leaning outlet acknowledged are unverified — against President-Elect Donald Trump. The letter, purporting to come from a retired British intelligence agent, details Trump’s alleged relationship with Russia and contends that the Kremlin has been “cultivating, supporting and assisting” Trump for at least five years. “Even Donald Trump deserves journalistic fairness.” It alleges that Russians have been feeding Trump intelligence on his opponents, including Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, for years. It also details Trump’s alleged “personal obsessions and sexual perversion.” BuzzFeed acknowledges that it has not verified the accusations and even notes that the document contains a number of basic factual errors. Yet it published the full document. “Now BuzzFeed News is publishing the full document so that Americans can make up their own minds about allegations about the president-elect that have circulated at the highest levels of the US government,” BuzzFeed wrote. It is a