
Thomas Williams, a former priest, gives an organization that sees itself as an expanding empire a foothold in the home of the Crusades.


Some 70 nations to attend confab on two-state solution seen by Israel as hurting chances for bilateral talks


No doubt you've all heard the news about Meryl Streep and her totally not acting performa- I mean acceptance speech, in which she calls out Donald Trump for ...


Scientists have repeatedly said there is no link between autism and vaccinations.


Sessions: Religious Liberty Will Be A High Priority Of Mine (January 10, 2017)


Classified documents presented last week to President Obama and President-elect Trump included allegations that Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump, multiple US officials with direct knowledge of the briefings tell CNN.


Sessions: As Police Work With Their Communities, “We As A Nation Need To Respect Our Law Officers” (January 10, 2017)


Sessions Pledged Loyalty To The Constitution, Rule Of Law And Equal Justice (January 10, 2017)


A controversial student painting in the Capitol depicting police officers as pigs was rehung and removed upwards of three times Tuesday following an a special event to return it to the wall. Meanwhile, Louisiana Democratic Rep. Cedric Richmond, the chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, threatened the Republicans who have been taking the painting down: We may just have to kick somebody's ass and stop them. Reps. Brian Babin of Texas and Dana Rohrabacher — both Republicans — were the most recent lawmakers to remove the painting late Tuesday afternoon after Rep. William Lacy Clay, D-Mo., had to put it back twice.


Classified documents presented last week to President Obama and President-elect Trump included allegations that Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump, multiple US officials with direct knowledge of the briefings tell CNN.


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(LANGUAGE WARNING:) Gavin McInnes of TheRebel.media says Meryl Streep lied in her Golden Globes speech: Trump never mocked a disabled reporter. MORE: http://...


A gauge of U.S. small business confidence rose to a 12-year high in December as optimism about the economy intensified among business owners following the November election.


Kennedy became a figurehead of the anti-vaccine movement in 2005.


Dylann Roof has been sentenced to death for killing 9 black church members. He is the first to receive the death penalty for federal hate crimes.


Education: Democrats and unions are joining to kill any prospect of meaningful education reform by President-elect Donald Trump. How? By fatally damaging school reformer Betsy DeVos' nomination as Secretary of Education.
DeVos is unquestionably qualified to head the Education Department. She


#DailyCrowder is here! Enjoy this free preview episode chuck full of Meryl Streep mockage, news of the day, and more. Special guests Gary Sinise and Shaun Ki...


Politicians are often far better at campaigning than governing. This is especially true for big-city politicians. Kept in office by loyal constituencies, big-city politicians turn to corruption and nepotism just because they can.


Where was this during the Obama years?


It's still over a week before Donald Trump's inauguration, but Richard Cohen at the Washington Post already has a plan to get rid of him. The Post writer clearly believes that Trump — right now — fits the definition found in the 25th Amendment of the Constitution of someone who is "unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office," and could therefore be summarily removed without the effort involved in impeaching and convicting him.


The past eight years saw some wins, and more than a few failures.


According to Kennedy, the President-elect asked him to chair "a commission on vaccination safety and scientific integrity"


In the days that followed Donald Trump’s election victory, liberal assessments about what went wrong and prescriptions for how the Left can move forward were in...


In the aftermath of Donald Trump’s election victory, the left is eating itself.
To be fair, this had already begun before Trump’s election: old-school liberals – Jonathan Chait types who believe in free speech, for example – have been excoriated for their lack of commitment to social justice, while social justice warrior leftists have pioneered new forms of political and social pressure to be applied to all dissenters. But now that process has accelerated.


Here's a partnership you don't see every day: The Colorado Springs-based Family Policy Alliance and the liberal activist group the Women’s Liberation Front, known as WoLF, over the restroom choice of transgender people. The unlikely partners