Apparently the mainstream media didn't get the memo that they are completely out of touch with reality and out of sync with everyday Americans. We thought the election of Donald Trump might have clued them in -- well, that and the fact that all of their "reporting" and analysis proved to be completely wrong -- but MSNBC host Toure is doubling down on the elitism. 
Because on January 20th, 2017 President Barack Obama loses all of his Presidential power – he becomes an ‘everyman’, a private citizen...
After Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions was spotted with his Asian-American granddaughter while waiting to testify at his Tuesday confirmation hearing, MTV culture
Far-right French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen said on Tuesday she would seek to repatriate production of French motor vehicles and other industrial goods - just as President-elect Donald Trump hopes to do in the United States. Trump has threatened to slap tariffs on cars made abroad, saying
I'm the dude playing the dude disguised as another dude. Congratulating Shaun King on his new job with The Young Turks. Take media back and join the Mug Club...
The left ardently desires to paint all Republicans as racist – none more so than Trump Attorney General appointment Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL). Sessions has been hit with allegations of racism over and over. He’s got actual racist Al Sharpton protesting him. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) is scheduled to testify against Sessions, presumably on the basis of race (and because Booker is preparing to run for president in 2020). But the left’s ardor for the “racism” charge doesn’t stop with Sessions. It affects even his grandchildren. Here’s MTV News culture writer Ira Madison III:
Gizmodo falsely reported Monday that president-elect Donald Trump fired the federal officials responsible for maintaining the U.S. nuclear arsenal.
Until liberals truly embrace the spirit of scientific inquiry, they'll never gain the upper hand in the policy debates of the Trump era.
Last week, four young blacks -- two males, both 18 years old; and two females, 18 and 24 years-old -- kidnapped a mentally disabled 18-year-old white boy and tortured him for 24 hours.
Congress is considering a major package of bills aimed at regulatory reform. It is long overdue.
After a pair of Syrian men were taken in as refugees, liberal volunteers helped them open their own business — a Middle Eastern hookah shop. However, as soon as authorities came to inspect the suspicious business, they discovered a stomach-churning surprise in the shop's basement.

Ben Shapiro Quotes on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) testifies at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on his nomination to be U.S. attorney general in the Trump administration. He is introduced by Senators Richard Shelby…
Donald Trump Attorney general nominee Senator Jeff Sessions will face the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday morning for his confirmation hearing. ...

Obama’s Real Legacy

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The debate over Barack Obama’s presidential legacy greatly depends on one’s perspective.  While his critics are quick to label him as one of the worst presidents in American history, re…
For some incomprehensible reason, countless people have unfairly targeted feminists, accusing them of being anti-man. Sure, feminists have crafted college programs to help men purge themselves of their own "toxic masculinity," but that doesn't mean they hate men. Feminists are cool with men just so long as they suppress all masculinity. 
Scientists’ warnings that the rise of the sea would eventually imperil the United States’ coastline are no longer theoretical.
The senator’s primary concerns are Rule of Law and American workers.

The Islamization of Britain in 2016

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Sharia courts administering Islamic justice in Britain are run by clerics who believe some offenders should have their hands chopped off, according to Muslim scholar Elham Manea. She described the prevailing attitude as "totalitarian" and as more
“Russia doesn’t want to make America great again. It wants to make the old Soviet Union great again.”
Soros wanted to control a country he did not understand. And, as the left so often does, he achieved his goals and in doing so destroyed them.
Democratic lawmakers plan to rehang a controversial painting on Capitol Hill that angered law enforcement groups with its depiction of police officers as pigs, after Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter p…
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn says he would like to see a cap on the maximum people can earn.
It turns out the problem with the Golden Globes was that emcee Jimmy Fallon didn’t do enough Trump-bashing. Wow: If Oscars host Jimmy Kimmel “avoids” that “mistake” next month, expect Americans to …