
When we recently reported Fox News personality Megyn Kelly was moving to NBC to take on a “broad new role” (read: whatever she wants) in a deal made for “an undisclosed amount” (read: a garbage barge full of hundred-dollar bills and an actual supply of the heretofore fictional supermetal adamantium)


Four people were charged Thursday with committing a hate crime in connection with the apparent torture of an 18-year-old man with special needs that was streamed live on Facebook. They each face several other charges.


Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King decided he was more upset that the brutal kidnapping and torture of a mentally disabled white man by four young black men and women was labeled on Twitter as #BLMKidnapping than the crime itself:
All of the white people in the #BLMKidnapping tag aren't nearly as concerned about the white boy as they are with demonizing black people.


This isn't an easy piece for me to write, being as that I'm exhausted from all the winning. If you recall, that was a promise Donald Trump made to us -- you know, that if we elected him President of these here United States, we would eventually become exhausted from all the winning. The man has not even been sworn in, and I am already wiped out.


Israel: EU drone spying on Jewish towns crashes near Mt. Hevron Germany: Muslim migrant arrested over jihad car bomb plot


CNN's Don Lemon on Chicago Torture Video: 'I Don't Think It Was Evil'


By Natalie Musumeci, New York PostSocial media users are blasting top cops with the Chicago Police Department for apparently downplaying the nature of a disturbing online video showing a white


Chinese state media warned U.S. President-elect Donald Trump that he’ll be met with “big sticks” if he tries to ignite a trade war or further strain ties.


Brace yourselves for a long-winded list of imperialist massacres. Reactionary video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5o_KdvC1c8


“DNI Clapper says Julian Assange and WikiLeaks have no credibility. This is coming from him, after he lied under oath.https://t.co/KxA49Nd5AH”


Virginia Congressman says the left today has no answer for the question of what is good and what is bad.


According to the Drudge Report, Fox News executives have decided on a replacement for superstar host Megyn Kelly: Tucker Carlson.
Carlson has rapidly risen in the ratings in his 7 p.m. nightly slot, performing strongly enough to convince Fox execs that he is the right man to fill the big shoes of the seat being vacating by Kelly, who is moving to NBC News after a 12-year run with Fox that ended rather tumultuously.


Nova Classical Academy, a K–12 charter school in St. Paul, Minnesota, is the sort of school that . . . .


He may not be a conservative, but he is a maverick—and he's not afraid to destroy the New Deal's progressive, regulatory legacy.


Today we look at some of Social Justice Warriors arguments defending one of modern times' most toxic subjects... Genders. #SimoIsJustice


The plan to restructure the US intelligence community is in line with Trump?s ?drain the swamp? campaign mantra and is prompted by his belief that the Office of National Intellige…


Newsrooms were caught off guard by President-elect Trump's Nov. 8 victory. Save for only a few pundits and reporters, no one in the press saw it coming. Following Trump's win, one would think members of the press would reflect more on what they know and don't know about the electorate they cover. Though some journalists seem to be doing just that, others appear to be extremely upset with the idea that their industry is insular and operating out of a bubble. Consider, for example, the furious responses from members of the press to a simple question about pickup trucks. The top 3 best selling vehicles in America are pick-ups. Question to reporters: do you personally know someone that owns one? asked conservative blogger John Ekdahl late Tuesday evening.


"f*ck Donald Trump" and "f*ck white people" as they kick and...


A slew of high-profile stars — including Sally Field, former ‘The View’ co-host Rosie Perez, ‘Westworld’s‘ Jeffrey Wright, Keegan-Michael Key and ‘Boardwalk ...


House Passes Legislation to Undo Last Minute Obama Regulations - Leah Barkoukis: House Republicans passed legislation Wednesday that would give Congress the .01/05/2017 10:57:10AM EST.


THE French government has been accused of hiding their inability to control the country’s sinister New Year’s Eve torching tradition as the interior ministry claimed the night passed “without any major incident” – but almost 1,000 cars were set on fire and destroyed.


Evil. And they wonder why people distrust them.


“Oh my goodness, poor white people! Please! Oh my– stop."


If a court can rule the Wisconsin state legislature does not have enough Democrats, it takes voting power away from the citizenry.
