
During an appearance on Bravo's Watch What Happens Live last night, Maddow was asked what she'd ask Donald Trump


Senator Rand Paul took to the Senate floor on Wednesday to blast members of his own party for moving forward with legislation that adds nearly $10 trillion t...


U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin at a luncheon hosted by U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon on Sept. 28, 2015.


Following leader remarks, the Senate votes 51-48 to begin the process of repealing the Affordable Care Act.


The Democratic National Committee tells BuzzFeed News that the bureau “never requested access” to the servers the White House and intelligence community say were hacked by Russia.


The new Senate minority leader outlined in a Playbook interview his strategy for pushing back on the Republican effort to repeal the health care law.


Last week, in one of his final moves out of the Oval Office, Obama executively designated more than 1.5 million acres of land as national monuments, preserving their untouched façade while closing them to human expansion, development, energy use,...


Pat Buchanan: Bitter Obama in 'Despair,' Leaving With 'Let's Wreck the Place' Attitude


You are not crazy, nor alone. There are tons post-abortive women who have felt the same way you do. The pro-abortion lobby will say else, but it’s true.


I don’t know the damage this ad campaign will do to boys’ psyches. I’m saddened that Disney can’t offer any characters for boys to look up to.


Democrats 'know how bad ObamaCare is and what a mess they are in. Instead of working to fix it, they do the typical political thing and BLAME,' Trump wrote in a series of morning tweets.


Brittany Herring posted a video on Facebook Live showing a man with special needs being tortured and beaten in Chicago.…


Two men and two women, believed to all be aged 18, were taken into custody by Chicago Police on Wednesday after authorities were made aware of the 30-minutes social media video.


On the Wednesday network evening newscasts, ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News failed to inform their viewers of an incredibly disturbing alleged beating in Chicago of a developmentally challenged white man by four African-American suspects that was streamed live on Facebook.


The footage used in this video has been blurred to protect the identity of the victim. I DO NOT OWN the footage used in this video and have no intention to p...


At the start of each new year we’re subjected to a whole host of new laws. The modern liberal government, you see, imagines itself not as the champion of individual freedom but as Mommy and Daddy, a taskmaster charged with controlling your life. Most of the time, it makes everything, including our lives, worse.


Teens Step Forward to Serve as Pallbearers for Veteran with No Family - Todd Starnes: Navy veteran Jerry Wayne Pino died on Dec. 12th in .01/05/2017 2:58:44AM EST.


Many Americans are glad to see 2016 come to an end. It was ugly, nasty, politically overkilled and filled with apocalyptic predictions and multiple sharks being jumped multiple times. It was also the year in which the embittered Obama administration went Full Obama, setting the torch to the United States' relationship with Israel and demonstrating once and for all how feckless and fitful the One's foreign policy really is.


More Americans would rather Donald Trump be president than Barack Obama spend another term in office, according to a new poll.


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Chicago law enforcement officials were reluctant to call the videotaped torture of a white man by black assailants a hate crime Wednesday night -- even though the suspects repeatedly said "fuck white