
A Reagan approach to climate change

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The United States should take out an insurance policy, as Reagan did with ozone depletion.
I side with the people who think that Tom Cotton and the 46 senators who joined with him in an open letter to apprise the Iranians about the way our Constitutional system works did the world a grea...
The New Jersey governor plans to campaign as a truth-teller in an attempt to rescue his prospects.
A bad family structure defeats good economic numbers.
California issued about 131,000 driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants in January and February, the first two months since the state began granting the permits to people who are in the country illegally, officials said Friday. The most populous U.S. state joined nine others and the District of Columbia in granting licenses to drivers regardless of immigration status, a controversial move that marked a significant shift in policy toward immigrants in California. Between 2 million and 3 million unauthorized immigrants are believed to live in California, making them the nation's largest such population. Altogether, about 387,000 undocumented immigrants applied for licenses during the first two months of the program, the state said, but only 131,000 were granted them.
Rudy Giuliani said an "atmosphere of unbalance" was to blame for the outrageous police shooting in Ferguson late Wednesday night. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said Barack Obama was to blame for the police shootings in Ferguson because…
I know this is a favorite topic among our readers, so I thought I'd let you Cruz Birthers feast on some fresh bait from Fox News! While questions about Canadian-born Sen. Ted Cruz’s eligibility to ...
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker says President Barack Obama’s Attorney General nominee, Loretta Lynch, is unfit to be the nation’s top lawyer.
Summarizing the federal government is not easy. Theres nearly $4 trillion of spending to disentangle. Theres a 75,000-page tax code to decipher. And theres a regulatory morass that defies understanding. So when people ask me questions about the cost of the federal government, theres never a satisfactory answer.
North Dakota is only a few steps away from becoming the fourth state to pass our application! Here's how you can help.

Paging Eric Holder

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Remember how Eric Holder had threatened to disband the Ferguson, Mo., police department on the grounds it was racist? And before that, how he was asking Judge Shira Scheindlin to grant his Justice ...
By Nick Carey and Jim Young FERGUSON, Mo. (Reuters) - Nearly 48 hours after two officers were shot in racially charged Ferguson, Missouri, investigators had dozens of leads but no arrests to report on Friday in the hunt for a gunman who turned a late-night protest against police into bedlam. St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar said authorities had "a pretty good idea" where the gunshots that wounded the officers had originated, without providing any specifics. The latest bout of violence in the St. Louis suburb, first rattled by the killing of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown by a white officer last summer, brought out signs of sympathy for the police. One protester stood opposite the Ferguson police department with a sign "Cops Lives Matter," playing on the "Black Lives Matter" slogan that sprang up in the wake of the deaths of Brown and an unarmed black man in New York City.
Women have battled for years against stereotypical and sexist portrayals in the mass media. However research shows that men are increasingly the target for negative press.
While questions about Canadian-born Sen.
A State Department spokeswoman said Friday that the department did not start automatically archiving emails from senior officials until February of this year -- raising questions about Hillary Clinton's claim that her emails were immediately saved whenever she corresponded with colleagues.
The Hunting Ground joins the movement to ruin a man’s career for the sake of an ideological agenda.
Analysts are questioning whether the White House is protecting one of its inner-circle members in a leak investigation, especially given the Obama administration’s demonstrated willingness to prosecute and imprison lower-level government employees for providing classified information to the press.
"Tehran Tom's" actions aren't exactly "unprecedented"
The president’s senior adviser and confidante on immigration, working with Republicans and whether she’s the Democratic Dick Cheney.
The President and First Lady both made round-trips from D.C. to California on the same day. but they took different planes.
'What I'm here to tell you is that on campus we have additional rules other than just freedom of speech,' said the cop.
With no debate, the House passed a bill that would make sweeping changes to state gun laws.
After instituting 50 years of policies hostile to the traditional family, the left is now amazed at the outcome.