Keyword search performed by Hillary Clinton's team automatically deleted emails that didn't find words her team selected.


Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

HILLARY! UNCENSORED trailer was released in Oct 2007 with a leak from Lucianne Goldberg. The trailer instantly became the #1 video on Google for 3 months unt...
Hillary acknowledging that it would have been better to use two email accounts is about as close to an apology from the Clintons you'll ever get. But the matter of
It’s not every day you see a hard drive with a for sale sign sitting in a pile of dirty snow, but it’s not every day that your neighbor is a former secretary of state and engulfed in a massive email controversy. And one of Hillary Clinton’s Chappaqua neighbors is letting everyone know how much …
Greece has threatened to seize German assets as compensation for Nazi war crimes – 70 years after the end of the Second World War.
Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley says if he were president, it would be important as commander in chief to have his secretary of state use the official server for business. “Well sure, it would be important to me,” he said Thursday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” when asked about Hillary Clinton’s email practices...
Robins gate guards change greeting from "blessed day" to "nice/good" day after complaint from non-religious military member
Beginning with the unrest after the August 2014 shooting of Micheal Brown and that which followed the grand jury verdict in favor of Officer Darren Wilson, gun sales in Missouri are through the roof.
Fox News InsiderJudge Andrew Napolitano was asked this morning whether Attorney General Eric Holder has "fanned the flames" in Ferguson, Missouri, where two police officers were shot last night.The new

Settled Science Scam

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

National Geographic's latest cover story generated lots of attention for comparing climate change skeptics to those who fear vaccinations, disbelieve NASA’s moon landing, and oppose water fluoridation. The author bemoans the fact that only 40% of Americans (according to Pew Research Center) “accept that human activity is the dominant cause [...]
Some of Hollywood’s top players are gearing up to back Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) if Hillary Clinton declines to run for president. According to a Hollywood Reporter report, “MoveOn.org has been organizing ‘Run Warren Run’ gatherings on L.A.’s Westside. Among
Lynch, Caldwell and Weissmann are a triumvirate of trouble for the rule of law.
Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) president Grover Norquist has written a letter to several members of the NRA’s board of directors fervently denying allegations of his ties to Muslim Brotherhood leaders as “conspiracies.”
Did Clinton falsely certify the return of all records upon her departure from State?
Three players noticed the girl being teased and immediately walked off of the court -- during the game -- to tell the bullies to stop.
Sen. Dean Heller (R-Nev.) is “deeply concerned” about new Fed rules on the insurance industry.
Eric Holder visited Ferguson in August after Michael Brown was shot by Police Officer Darren Wilson. Last week Eric Holder released a report accusing the Ferguson police department of bias and racism. Protests picked up in Ferguson after the AG's…
HAMDEN -- In a time when TV news personalities are getting caught in their own scandals, it appears viewers trust their local stations more than the big networks. The Quinnipiac University Poll sur...
The 2016 presidential longshot wants to love American democracy to death.

Senator Tom Cotton's Letter to Iran

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

There is ample precedent for Sen. Cotton's actions.
"Do not taunt the Logan Act."

When Liberals Blew It

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Fifty years ago, Daniel Patrick Moynihan argued presciently that the rise of single-parent households would make poverty more intractable. Have we learned anything since?