The New Yorker’s Gabriel Sherman took a deep-dive into the ongoing shipwreck that is NBC News. The most fascinating tidbit had nothing to do with the House of Cards-style machinations embroiling the Peacock Network. Buried under more than a dozen
Last week, Dr. Ben Carson, a possible 2016 Republican presidential candidate, stepped onto unstable political ground. Asked whether he believes that “being gay is a choice,” Carson stated that he “absolutely” did
Another feather in his cap.
The Islamic Human Rights Commission awarded the Charlie Hebdo journalists, who were slaughtered by Islamists in January, as Islamophobes of the year. The editor and cartoonist of Charlie Hebdo, Stephane Charbonnier, known as Charb, was slaughtered by Muslims in January.…
Obamacare exchange customers could see a significant spike in their premiums over the next few years as insurers face pressures from both the government and the marketplace, the Congressional Budget Office said Monday in a new analysis finding Obamacare is both cheaper and less comprehensive than predicted.
(AP) — A panel at the University of California, Irvine on Saturday vetoed a student council vote to ban display of the American flag — or any other national flag — from its lobby, bringing a quick end to a prohibition that lasted just two days and won the school broad negative attention. The resolution authored by student Matthew Guevara of the university's social ecology school lists 25 reasons for the ban, saying that the American flag has been flown in times of "colonialism and imperialism" and could symbolize American "exceptionalism and superiority." On Friday, state Sen. Janet Nguyen, R-Santa Ana, said she and other legislators may introduce a state constitutional amendment to prohibit "state-funded universities and college campuses from banning the United States flag."
Homeowners should consider fitting CCTV to trap burglars, Metropolitan Police Commissioner Bernard Hogan Howe (pictured) has said.
Dissecting Republicans and their chances for regaining the White House next year is good, clean fun for most pundits and analysts, Democrats nearly all, because it distracts attention from what’s wrong in their own party. The conventional wisdom has been that the Democratic superstar would bury anyone unfortunate enough to be nominated by the Republicans. The only concern in Democratic ranks has been that Hillary Clinton would need a practice sprint in the primaries to tone and flex muscle in anticipation of November. If Hillary were a baseball team, her acolytes concede, she could still use a little spring training.
John Dickerson: Clinton Silent on Emails Hoping That Press 'Gets a New Fascination' (March 9, 2015)
MARK HALPERIN: I said a few weeks ago on this show that she was easily the most likely president of the United States; I now think -- not only because this is a symptom and a cause, I now think she is not only not easilythe most likely, I don't think she is the most likely. GEORGE STEPHANOPOULIS: That is a big shift. HALPERIN: Because of what this says as a symptom, not as a cause, as a symptom. What she is doing here, in terms of lack of response, lack of a sense of what people think of her, and combined with what I thought was a weak performance at her EMILY's list speech the other day. Her husband can get through these things because he is a politician of a lifetime. She can not. If this is the way she's going to run her operation, if this is the mindset she's going to have, I don't think she is going to be president.
UPDATE 8:18 pm PST 03/07/2015: Despite the decision of the Executive Cabinet of ASUCI to veto this disgraceful bill, we will not stop this campaign until they step down and resign, and stop representing the students at UC Irvine. We all want to see student leaders that will not disgrace the flag that so many have sacrificed for. Damage is done, actions have consequences.  On March 5, 2015, six members of the Associated Students - University of California, Irvine's Legislative Council - Matthew Guevara (author), Khaalidah Sidney (second), Naty Rico, John Salazar, Matthew Tsai, and Negar Fatahi - voted yes on a resolution to remove the American flag from ASUCI's common space area. The author of Resolution R50-70 ("Flags and decoration adjustment for inclusivity"), Matthew Guevera, stated that the"American flag has been flown in instances of colonialism and imperialism" and "flags not only serve as symbols of patriotism or weapons for nationalism, but also construct cultural mythologies and narratives that in turn charge nationalistic sentiments." The resolution ended with statements about making the common area more "inclusive" and that removing the American flag (in addition to others) would serve that purpose. Hundreds of thousands of American servicemen and women have unselfishly sacrificed their lives for this country and the flag that universally symbolizes the United States and the values we hold dear. While this resolution represents only the actions of a few, the fact that these students would even consider a resolution removing the American flag is insulting to veterans, unpatriotic, and deeply disturbing to the vast majority of Americans. Moreover, the fact it passed is even more troubling. ASUCI's actions are symptomatic of a wider problem facing American universities, namely, the indoctrination of our youth with ideals that run counter to traditional and firmly-held American values, which are eroding at a faster pace than ever before. The time is now to hold people and institutions accountable for these types of provocative actions and send a message. Americans should not feel afraid to fly the Red, White, and Blue and show their patriotism. Further, taxpayer-funded American universities or the legislatures governing them, must adopt rules and regulations that prohibit anyone from adopting measures that ban the display of the US flag anywhere on campus. We, the undersigned, demand that the President of the University of California, Janet Napolitano, Regents of the University of California, Dr. Howard Gillman - Chancellor of the University of California, Irvine, and the Associated Students - University of California, Irvine, urge the six members of the ASUCI Legislative Council who voted yes on the resolution, to resign immediately and without further delay, and help prevent further embarrassment to the University of California, Irvine.
"Nothing this administration does surprises me anymore."
Wikipedia defines pseudo science as “a claim, belief, or practice which is presented as scientific, but which does not adhere to a valid scientific methodology, lacks supporting evidence or plausibility, cannot be reliably tested, or otherwise lacks scientific status. Pseudo science ignores the scientific method. It makes conclusions and then looks [...]
Barack Obama marched with New Black Panthers at the Selma rally in 2007. Shock Photos! New Panther National Chief Malik Zulu Shabazz is seen speaking at the rally on the left. Then Obama speaks to the Selma crowd at the…
47 Republican senators have written an open letter to Iran's leaders warning them that any nuclear deal they sign won’t last after Obama leaves office.
Sunday's New York Times front page conveniently cropped out half of the Selma march photo that contained George and Laura Bush who marched alongside President Obama in Alabama over the weekend. The caption under the photo reads: "President Obama and Representative John Lewis led thousands in a commemorative march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge." The full picture looks something like this:

Poll: Fox News most trusted network

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Fox News has the most trusted network and cable news coverage in the United States, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll released Monday. But network TV is much less trustworthy than it was in the days of Walter Cronkite, American voters say. In comparison rankings, 29 percent responded that they trust Fox News the most. CNN follows with 22...
The Obama administration is trying to ban M855 ball ammo, which is commonly used in AR-15 rifles, by claiming it's "armor-piercing." That is a complete lie.
Scott Walker’s Righteous Victory in Wisconsin -
Justice warriors get caught up in the abstract; they need to turn their attention to cases which can be concretely resolved.
This will be highly controversial among Muslims...
Pop Quiz: When is a Neocon Not A Neocon? Answer. When he's wrong. Which is most of the time. And that irks Charles Krauthammer. Dr. Krauthammer is an inter
Senator Tim Scott is a great American who also happens to be a Republican, so his participation was either ignored, or attacked by those who demanded they use the 50th anniversary Selma march as a tool to further divide Americans instead of helping to bring them together.