Addressing the nation from Selma, Ala., on Saturday, President Obama said that while racism may be “no longer endemic,” as it was 50 years ago, his Justice Department’s report on Ferguson shows tha...
The presidential election is likely to be close, based on current evidence, despite early polls suggesting Mrs. Clinton is a strong candidate.

The Texas judge argued that the executive order, which would protect 4.7 million illegal immigrants from deportation, causes harm to the Lone Star State.

Conservatives spend a lot of time talking principles, but not as much time as they should telling people what they want to do for the average American.
In case you forgot, Sunday was International Women’s Day. Five hundred women who gathered at the doorsteps of LAPD headquarters and marched east to the Mariachi Plaza in Boyle Heights carrying signs reading “Women's rights are human rights,” “RIP PATRIARCHY” and “#ovarianpsycos,” didn’t forget.
News that Hillary Clinton exclusively used a private email account to keep secret her communications as Secretary of State should surprise no one. She came to Washington more than 20 years ago determined to keep secrets, and she's still at it.
Government watchdog group Judicial Watch has filed a new Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for information pertaining to Hillary Clinton's secret email system and is warning that if the request isn't fulfilled in 20 days a lawsuit may be filed to speed the process.
Climate Alarmists Seek to Silence Dissenting Scientists through Legislation
Hillary Clinton has no concept of right vs. wrong, RNC chairman Reince Priebus said in an exclusive interview on Monday with Breitbart News.
Trey Gowdy told Megyn Kelly tonight that he's not interested in the wedding invitations. What he wants is the public documents she held in her personal email. No big surprise there. But near the en...
The United States on Monday delivered more than 100 pieces of military equipment to vulnerable NATO-allied Baltic states in a move designed to provide them with the ability to deter potential Russian threats. The deliveries are intended to "demonstrate resolve to President (Vladimir) Putin and Russia that collectively we can come together," US Major General John R. O'Connor told AFP as he oversaw the delivery of the equipment in the port of Riga. The delivery included Abrams tanks, Bradley fighting vehicles, Scout Humvees as well as support equipment and O'Connor said the armour would stay "for as long as required to deter Russian aggression". The three former Soviet-ruled Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, all NATO and European Union members since 2004, have very little miliary hardware of their own.
Amnestied Illegals May Receive Social Security As Early As 2017 -
The former secretary of state has decades of experience in managing controversy.
Outrage and conspiracy theories have spread in response to U.S. sanctions and furious rhetoric on state airwaves.
Obama officials criticize and distance themselves from Hillary Clinton over her email scandal and other issues plaguing her before the campaign even begins.
In his new book, “The Conservatarian Manifesto” Charles Cooke proposes a philosophical and political framework that fuses conservatism and libertarianism into a cohesive and effective political brand.
CBS Evening News: WH “Revised” Obama’s Misleading Answer On Clinton Email Scandal 3/9/15
This is the first installment in a five-part series on Article Five of the U.S. Consitution. Please check back every day this week for new content and click here for the entire series. – Perhaps the most unifying conservative trait is the conviction that our Founding Fathers...


Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The Internet's visual storytelling community. Explore, share, and discuss the best visual stories the Internet has to offer.
Tens of thousands of abandoned wind turbines now litter American landscape The whole wind energy mess just illustrates how the American people have been played by their elected officials who bought...
Netflix’s disputes with broadband providers, like Comcast, have zip to do with Net neutrality. Here's what you need to know about Net neutrality, and the Internet, to understand why.

GE cuts 200 salaried positions

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

General Electric Co. is laying off upward of 200 white-collar workers at its Schenectady operations as part of a restructuring of the company's manufacturing operations. During its past two quarterly conference calls with analysts to discuss its finances, GE executives have been talking about a corporate restructuring plan that would lead to job losses in its largest industrial business units. The Schenectady campus, which also includes GE's renewable energy headquarters, a wind farm monitoring center and a battery factory, employs 4,000 people.
A letter from Senate Republicans to Iranian leaders sparked a furious response from the White House on Monday, with administration officials accusing the GOP of seeking war and undermining its diplomatic efforts to stop Iran’s pursuit of a nuclear weapon.
Netanyahu's shout-out to Reid did little to change his mind.

Poll: Fox News most trusted network

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Fox News has the most trusted network and cable news coverage in the United States, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll released Monday. But network TV is much less trustworthy than it was in the days of Walter Cronkite, American voters say. In comparison rankings, 29 percent responded that they trust Fox News the most. CNN follows with 22...