Watched by leagues of passionate activists on both sides, the FCC today passed its first significant Internet regulation, known as net neutrality.
Sure, Mohammed Emwazi is a monster — but how did he get that way?

Internet, RIP?

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is not scheduled to appear here at CPAC until Friday, but there is already a movement already underway to stage an informal protest when he hits the stage.
Grievance School - From the February 23, 2015, issue of NR
Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE), Representative Mia Love (R-UT), and Charlie Kirk, with Turning Point USA, discuss what conservative politicians can appeal to members of the millennial generation at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference.
Gov. Scott Walker (R-Wis.) said in regards to defeating special interests in Washington, D.C., that “we showed that we can fight and win for the hard-working taxpayer,” at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at the National Harbor in suburban Maryland on Thursday.
Gov. Scott Walker has leapt to the top of polls in Iowa. As day follows night, he has moved to the center of the liberal press's crosshairs. This is the world we inhabit: When a Democrat is perceived as popular, the press discovers layers of humor and elan we never suspected. When a Republican is gaining strength, the press sharpens its bayonets..02/27/2015 10:05:16AM EST.
Dr. Christina Greer, a professor of Political Science at Fordham University said that the US is " a patriarchal, white supremacist country"
Last night Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration Russell George and Deputy Inspector General for Investigation.02/27/2015 10:05:16AM EST.
Attorney General Eric Holder plans to push, during his final weeks in office, a new standard of proof for civil-rights offenses, saying in an exit interview with POLITICO that such a change would make the federal government “a better backstop” against discrimination in cases like Ferguson and Trayvon Martin. In a lengthy discussion ranging...
Does the Affordable Care Act really mean what it says?The Supreme Court will be answering that question in King v. Burwell in the coming months. The question, which surfaced in the public awareness with the Gruber videos, emanates from one line in the Affordable Care Act which says that premium tax credits will be paid only to individuals who obtain medical coverage “through an Exchange established by [a] State.”Turns out, thirty-six states didn’t create their own exchanges. Instead, they used the Federally Facilitated Marketplace, and the federal government made the executive decision to allow them to receive tax credits anyway. However, the language of the law says their residents are ineligible for subsidies, and the ones currently being paid are illegal.If the Supreme Court sides with King, how would it affect American citizens?A great deal.Let’s review just what’s at stake.
Investigators said Thursday they have recovered 32,000 emails in backup tapes related to the Internal Revenue Service targeting of conservative organizations.
Islamic State extremists used sledgehammers and power drills to smash ancient artwork to pieces at a museum in Mosul, in the north of Iraq.
Pres. Obama is daring Republicans to vote on whether or not his executive actions are legal.
Just weeks before Secretary of State John Kerry held new nuclear talks with Iran’s foreign minister in Geneva, Iranians were hanging Kerry's boss in effigy at a huge Tehran-sponsored rally marking the Islamic Revolution’s 36th anniversary, an event that critics say underscores the absurdity of the ongoing diplomatic effort.
What a shame and an embarrassment for Cornell it was to feature MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry as the speaker at the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Lecture on Feb. 23. The event, titled “We Can’t Breathe: The Continuing Consequences of Inequality,” was ostensibly meant to serve as a thought-provoking reflection on contemporary race relations and…
#TheRefinery crew talk about Wisconsin's reintroduction of the free market into public sector union membership, and discuss how teachers have BENEFITED from ...
According to a Politico report by Josh Gerstein, while Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State, former president Bill Clinton capitalized financially on "business proposals and speech requests" despite an existing ethical agreement.
Friends identified the man who beheaded Western hostages as Mohammed Emwazi, born in Kuwait.
When we keep our focus on what matters to the people, we earn their respect, writes Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker.
MADISON, Wis. (Reuters) - The Wisconsin Senate narrowly approved a right-to-work bill on Wednesday that would bar private-sector employees who work under union-negotiated contracts from being required
From Yahoo News: If Rand Paul were commander in chief, his strategy for fighting Islamic militants in the Middle East would start with the Kurds. “I would arm the Kurds directly,” the Republican senator and potential presidential candidate told Yahoo Global News Anchor Katie Couric.
Mr. Jamiel Shaw - father of the late Jamiel Shaw II - testified February 25, 2014 at a Oversight Subcommittee Hearing Examining the Department of Homeland Se...
One long-term resident has $161,000 in assets