Study shows that current government regulations imposed by the Bureau of Land Management are harming energy production and holding back the U.S. economy.
Patricia Arquette made an idiot out of herself at the Oscar ceremony by whining about gender inequality, but luckily she told her moron speech in front of a lot of other morons, so they clapped hap...

From Internet to Obamanet

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

In The Wall Street Journal, Information Age columnist L. Gordon Crovitz writes that BlackBerry and AT&T are already making moves that could exploit new ‘utility’ regulations.
During an interview with House of Cards actor Kevin Spacey for NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday, correspondent Cynthia McFadden noted: "A life-long Democrat, Spacey says he, like many Americans, is frustrated with Washington." Spacey proclaimed: "I think that what is truly unfortunate is when an entire party makes a decision that they're going to block every single thing that a president wants to accomplish. It's very – it's very hard to get anything done in those circumstances."
Economist Nicholas Eberstadt asserts that the unwillingness of people to marry or stay married is setting humanity on a dangerous course.
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal joined about 900 Californians Saturday at the Unite IE Conference in Riverside's Fox Theater with a strong, unapologetic and presidential speech that focused on “the importance of repealing all of Obamacare,” repealing “all of Common Core,” and winning “the war against radical Islamic terror.”
Hollywood conservative John Ratzenberger, best known for starring in the long-running Cheers, appeared on Fox News, Friday, to blast liberal elitists who look down on those without college degrees. Your World anchor Neil Cavuto referenced Scott Walker and noted, "He didn't finish college. So, he doesn't have that prestigious degree. He could be up against an Ivy Leaguer like Hillary Clinton." Ratzenberger zinged, "You know Ivy Leaguers and I know Ivy Leaguers. And I tell you, those are not the people whose houses you rush to after an earthquake." 
This should be easy
For many years, Texas Congressman Ron Paul was one of the greatest champions for liberty in Congress. In 2012, Paul's tenure in Congress came to an end though, and with seemingly no adequate replacement to take the torch. Rand Paul, his son, has done many great things in the Senate during his short political career,…
The White House seems to believe it's above the law. Fortunately, a Convention of States can bring it back down to earth
"Remember, big government sucks."
In light of the fact that capitalism and free enterprise are often attacked for being mean, unfair, and even unchristian, can you name one non-capitalistic country where the poor have a higher standard of living and greater opportunity than America? .02/23/2015 16:14:26PM EST.
Barack Obama greets former Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) and Governor Bobby Jindal during a trip to Louisiana. Governor Bobby Jindal continued his attacks on community organizer and President Barack Obama today in an op-ed at FOX News. Jindal says Obama…
Democrats face a voter backlash over Obamacare's glitches and penalties, putting them in full damage control.
Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was prepared to go full force against President Obama if he tried to replace her in 2013. Wasserman Schultz, according to Politico, was going to accuse Obama of being anti-woman and anti-Semitic — apparently to cover all the bases — if he dared consider replacing her as chairwoman. Schultz was beginning to “line up supporters” to make the suggestion when she “sensed” Obama was considering removing her from the DNC. Wasserman Schultz’s position as the head of the DNC has long been a source of contention among Democrats, and Politico has previously documented the issue. In September 2014, Wasserman Schultz’s gaffes caught up to her when a string of Democrats voiced their distaste for the way the Florida congresswoman had led the party.
A U.S. Marine who vanished a decade ago in Iraq has been found guilty of desertion charges related to his disappearances there and in Lebanon.


Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

From a guaranteed right to hormone therapy for transgendered illegal aliens, to a prospective Attorney General saying that illegals have the same right to a ...
From Yahoo News: GENEVA (AP) — Edging toward a historic compromise, the U.S. and Iran reported progress Monday on a deal that would clamp down on Tehran's nuclear activities for at least 10 years but then slowly ease restrictions on programs that could be used to make atomic arms.
Rev. Al Sharpton to lose daily show on MSNBC
The quotes from the article terrify liberals...
Lauren Cooley, 22, is a recent grad of Furman College who managed to keep her conservative beliefs intact despite many of her professors’ best efforts. Now she’s dedicated to helping her peers do the same. Cooley is co-author and editor
Left-Fascism: Free Speech Restrictions on Campus - Nick Sorrentino - Personal Finance, Financial Advice, Money, Business News, Real Estate, Mortgages, Investments, Stocks, Ransom Notes Radio, John Ransom
Sen. Ted Cruz has a narrow edge over Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker in a new survey on 2016 GOP hopefuls in Texas.
May God guide us in our words so that we can be at the right time and the right place for veterans or for those who care about them.