While stumping for Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s reelection, Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) praised Emanuel for making Chicago the friendliest city for immigrants, especially illegal immigrants, and said nothing that the Illinois Congressman does represents the interest of U.S. citizens more
Due process is not “window dressing,” the professors argue. It’s necessary to establish a process’s legitimacy.
Air Date: February 23th, 2015 This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a ...

Nebraska Call to Action

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Exciting things are happening in Nebraska, and I want to be the first to tell you about it.
George Zimmerman, the former neighborhood watch volunteer who fatally shot Trayvon Martin in a 2012 confrontation with the teenager, will not face federal charges, the Justice Department said Tuesday

Obama's chilling Iran nuke lie

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Reports that President Obama agrees Iran should be free to make a nuclear bomb in about 10 years put the lie to his repeated vow never to allow an Iranian...
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — The Wisconsin Senate is set to dive into what figures to be a fierce debate on a Republican right-to-work bill after an evening of bitter protests over the legislation at the state Capitol.
Facebook post critical of Common Core leads to disciplinary action, loss of free speech, retaliation, and possible job loss for teacher Debbie Vailes.
Vice President Joe Biden used a Black History Month event at his official residence Monday night to decry the rich, both white and black, for stunting economic growth and suggested that “emancipation” is in order. “A lot of wealthy white and black people aren't bad but they control 1 percent of the economy and this cannot stand,” Biden told about 100 guests, including past civil rights activists and NBC weatherman Al Roker. RELATED: Why is the press ignoring Joe Biden's 2016 ambition? “It's not fair because the business experts are saying that concentration of wealth is stunting growth. So let's do something that's worthy of emancipation,” said Biden, according to a press pool report of the event. Then, explaining the impact of Civil War era emancipation, Biden concluded, “What happened is not only did we move toward freeing black Americans but also the conscience of white Americans.”
America is funding Palestinian terror, and every dime of taxpayer money going to the PA should be seized and given to the victims of terror.
Greg Gutfeld said the terror threat against the Mall of America has exposed that "the phrase 'gun-free zones' is liberal of 'sitting duck.'"
President Barack Obama's national security adviser is calling Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's decision to address Congress next week "destructive" to U.S.-Israel relations. Page 1 of 2
The media’s recent attempts at exposing Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker have been nothing short of embarrassing.
In the name of anti-discrimination, the City Council of Charlotte, North Carolina is poised to discriminate against people of conservative moral values, also imposing the struggles of a tiny minority on every man, woman, and child who lives or works in Charlotte or might happen to visit the city.
From Yahoo Finance: President Barack Obama on Tuesday, as promised, swiftly vetoed a Republican bill approving the Keystone XL oil pipeline, leaving the long-debated project in limbo for another indefinite period. The U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, after receiving Obama's veto message, immediately countered by announcing the Republican-led chamber would attempt to override it by March 3. Despite their majority, Republicans are four votes short of being able to overturn Obama's veto. The TransCanada Corp pipeline would carry 830,000 barrels a day of mostly Canadian oil sands crude to Nebraska en route to refineries and ports along the U.S. Gulf.
Mark Levin opened his show tonight ripping Lindsey Graham's argument that we should just support the court battle against Obama's illegal amnesty and not do anything to block it in Congress. Listen...
Two former CBS reporters have strongly disputed Bill O'Reilly's accounts of what happened one night when they covered a riot in Buenos Aires, but on The Factor tonight, O'Reilly brought on a former NBC News bureau chief who backed up his story.
ISIS is continuing its attack on Christians in Iraq after blowing up the Virgin Mary Church in Mosul, which had once served as a sanctuary for the remaining
Starting with the shrill hysteria surrounding former-New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s expression of his private opinion (in what was supposed to be a private off-the-record gathering Wednesday night), the American media has revealed itself as ready to take its left-wing
Four years after mass protests, the state’s governor lauded depleted unions as he eyes a presidential run.
The Conservative Political Action Conference is the biggest annual gathering of Republican leaders and conservative activists, but neither Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell nor House Speaker John A. Boehner is scheduled to make the 10-mile drive from Capitol Hill to speak to CPAC this year, underscoring the lingering tensions between Republican Washington leadership and the party's grass roots.
For a fourth time, Senate Democrats have succeeded in preventing a DHS funding bill from even coming to the floor. Funding for the agency runs out this week.
The auditor of the state of Vermont is raising serious questions about Jonathan Gruber's billing practices. The architect of ObamaCare may have pocked tens of thousands of dollars he said he paid to research assistants.
From Yahoo News: TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — Republican Gov. Chris Christie and the state's Democrat-controlled Legislature must find $1.57 billion to put into pension funds for retired public workers, a judge ruled Monday in a decision that comes as a major legal blow to the governor as he prepares to run for president.
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