A female Democrat state representative from Ohio, Rep.
Students at a small Christian liberal arts university in Indiana are "shaking" at the prospect of Vice President Mike Pence — who has formerly served as both a U.S. congressman and governor of the Hoosier State — coming to campus to deliver a commencement speech. Yes, really.
Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders exploded on Monday when asked during a Fox News town hall about accepting tax breaks that he voted against and why he did not send the money back given the fact that he constantly is claiming that the wealthy need to pay more in taxes.
Chinese billionaire Jack Ma, the co-founder of Alibaba and recently outed member of the Communist Party, issued a public defense of his country
The Reimann family was far from alone in its ties with the Nazi party. A number of European business families, some of them now worth billions of dollars, profited off of the Third Reich.
Here’s an awful “bragging right” for the state: For the sixth straight year under Gov. Cuomo, New York ranks dead last in economic outlook in the American Legislative Exchange Council’s annual “Ric…
The White House is considering imposing travel restrictions on visa-seekers from countries whose nationals tend to overstay their short-term visas.
No structures in the United States — even the White House — are as central to French history and identity as Notre Dame.
Legendary Monty Python comedian, writer and director Terry Gilliam has been busy promoting his new film "The Man Who Killed Don Quixote" — which has been over two decades in the making — but not too busy to dedicate some time t
The Trump White House will host more than 70 Jewish community leaders on Tuesday as the Democratic Party faces accusations of anti-Semitism.
The speech demands that transgender activists and other Leftists make on us exceed the bounds of good manners and enter the realm of pure totalitarianism.
"I always turn to the sports section first. The sports section records man’s accomplishments; the front page has nothing but man’s failures." – Former U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren Well, consider this perhaps the first and last time I will quote Earl Warren approvingly.
For a very short while, I lived just down the street from Notre Dame Cathedral, and I didn't always like it.
On the surface, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi appears to be a woman in control of her caucus and the entirety of the House of Representatives. She has remained focused on her goal of thwarting anything and everything the Republicans try to do and has been the primary target of her presumed nemesis, President …
AS Shafilea Ahmed left work in her new T-shirt, she knew her mum was going to have something to say about it. But she had no idea the row which was about to ensue over her dress sense would end in …

Criticism Is Not Violence

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

On campus, leftist violence against conservatives has become the rule rather than the exception.
This morning, Daniel Horowitz of Conservative Review tweeted out a highly revealing excerpt from a piece at the l
On Monday, as thousands of demonstrators clogged the streets of central London to trumpet their concerns about climate change, some went even further, gluing themselves to street furniture.
Less than a month ago, conservative Judge Brian Hagedorn was a dead man walking. As he raced against liberal Judge Lisa Neubauer for a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court, the local press portrayed…
Jihadists may not have set the fire, but they're certainly celebrating it. Many Muslims believe that the ruins and destruction of non-Muslim structures testifies to the truth of Islam, as the Qur’an suggests that the destroyed remnants of ancient non-Muslim civilizations are a sign of Allah’s punishment of those who rejected his truth: "Many were...
The horrific fire that has engulfed the glorious Notre Dame cathedral in Paris has hushed the world into silence as people wrestle with the reality that one of the West's greatest monuments to God may burn to ash.
On Sunday, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) had Inforwars reporter Kaitlin Bennett booted from an event described by Team Sanders as open to the public.
CBS’s Madam Secretary has really enjoyed lecturing its opponents this season. Earlier this year, it complained that corporate greed would lead to the collapse of civilization. Then, it denigrated Christians who would dare worship God yet deny global warming. The latest episode completes the trifecta of attacks by going after the Republican Party, stating it needs to "evolve."
The head of Germany's domestic intelligence agency has warned against underestimating the threat posed by "Islamic State" despite the militant group's apparent defeat in Syria and northern Iraq.