More Tory MPs are joining the anti-Brexit Change UK (CUK) party as the party sinks in the polls ahead of the EU Parliament elections.
Despite political wins, the debt has doubled and ObamaCare was never repealed.
Rob Lim (left), Lauren Lim (center) and Elyse Quail (right) in ‘This Incredible Life.’ “Until I started studying radical feminism, I never thought of ‘normal’ as an ac…
The internet was ablaze on Sunday in anticipation of the premiere of the final season of "Game of Thrones" — and NASA made sure not to squander the opportunity of the return of "fire and ice" to promote its favorite issue.
Studies consistently find that the 2017 law cut taxes for most Americans. Most of them don’t buy it.
The magnificent ship was thought to be unsinkable. When the RMS Titanic rammed an iceberg, the story changed forever. 107 years later we remember.
After eight seasons, HBO's massive hit series will come to its highly anticipated end in the next six weeks, and, unsurprisingly, the response to Sunday's final season premiere was appropriately epic, with fans taking to social media to posts their reactions, memes, and highlights.
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Sunday that President Trump was “making a joke” when he said during the 2016 campaign that he loves WikiLeaks.
In a time of outsider politics, can the ultimate insider resurrect his family’s brand?
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi characterized the more progressive wing of House Democrats led by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, as "like, five people" that do not represent all progressives, including herself -- adding that freshmen Democrats "know that we have to hold the center."
Witness the moment iconic singer Cher becomes a redpilled Republican, reversing years of avowed determination to promote open borders.
Retired ICE Director Tom Homan says the president's 'ingenious' idea to send migrants to sanctuary cities has pulled the curtain back on the hypocrisy of Democratic leadership.
The Women's March started a petition on Saturday to get Donald Trump's Twitter and Facebook accounts suspended after the president posted a video attacking congresswoman Ilhan Omar.
When Arturo Balbino, a Texas construction worker, walked into his visa interview...
Bernie Sanders likes to tub-thump about “the millionaires and the billionaires” — but oops, it turns out he is one of them now. Last week, the Vermont socialist and presidential contender said he w…
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) accused President Donald Trump of encouraging "right-wing extremists" to commit "violent crimes and other acts of hate" in response to the video that the president released on Friday afternoon that showed Omar trivializing the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Preferred Pronouns or Prison

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

“He.” “She.” “They.” Have you ever given a moment’s thought to your everyday use of these pronouns? It has probably never occurred to you that those words co...
"I want to do what Australia did and what New Zealand just recently did." More
President Trump on Monday said it was time to “investigate the investigators,” doubling down on Attorney General Bill Barr’s summary of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s findings in the Russia investigation.
President Trump launched a rare Twitter attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) following her "60 Minutes" interview with CBS’s Lesley Stahl on Sunday night.
Puberty-blocking drugs, mastectomies, vaginal surgery and fake penises – all with zero chance of reversal – these are just some of the radical experimental methods being used on children. The madness must stop...
Finley writes: "Americans may be politically divided. But they aren’t taking their disagreements to the streets"
Many blacks are still preoccupied with race. That’s not nearly so true of whites.

Video: Reparations and Democrats

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

Democrat candidates for president support paying reparations to the descendants of slaves.