Nato states will increase their defence spending by 100 billion dollars in response to Donald Trump's demands that European allies shoulder a greater financial burden, the alliance's secretary general has said.

Exterminating Whitey

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

The end game of identity politics.
Meghan McCain, daughter of the late Arizona Sen. John McCain, said Saturday that she prefers to call herself a conservative, rather than a Republican, because the party is "so tied up with being for" President Donald Trump.
I have an update for my new novel The Seven Royals: All Good Things! It goes on sale today! Above is the first look at the amazing cover art! For those of you who do not know about the backstory, I…
Grace Carr, DCNF Disabled persons are entering the workforce as overall unemployment rates drop and companies consider an expanded pool of potential job applicants for entry-level and essential positions. Persons with disabilities have long been sidelined and unable to find employment, due in part to stigma and from an inability to perform tasks as quickly …
A North Carolina police officer was so moved by a little boy’s warm gesture that he posted a Facebook photo of their encounter. That post has now gone viral. Officer Terence Brister, a Marine veteran, recounted on Facebook how a little boy approached him inside a Chick-fil-A restaurant in Greenville and thanked him. ?Best Day ?
Sounding more like a feminist fan than a "correspondent," Kasie Hunt has enthused over the proliferation of women candidates in the 2020 Dem field. Appearing on today's Morning Joe, MSNBC correspondent Hunt said it was a "real victory" that the fact that Harris is the third woman [along with Elizabeth Warren and Tulsi Gabbard] to have announced her candidacy is "unremarkable." Sounds like "correspondent" Hunt is cheering a victory for Team Woman.
The secretary general of NATO on Sunday credited President Trump with encouraging other countries to spend more on defense, and downplayed critics' concerns that the president's rhetoric and actions have threatened to undermine
Border patrol agent Mario Campos weighs in on whether or not President Trump should use executive order to build the wall if Congress cannot reach a deal on border security.
Venezuela shows just how wise the founding fathers were to create the Second Amendment as part to the Bill of Rights. They are a bulwark against tyranny.
Voters in reliably red Utah are split down the middle when it comes to how they view President Trump's job performance, according to a new poll.
ABC was the only network Monday morning to report on Tom Brokaw’s comments that offended both the right and left on Meet the Press Sunday. During a discussion on the border wall, Brokaw argued Hispanics needed to do a better job assimilating, and said Republicans didn’t want interracial marriages. That second part didn’t faze ABC, but the first part made anchor Cecilia Vega very upset.
The Telegraph acknowledged the multiple inaccuracies the British paper recently published about Melania Trump’s life and apologized for the report. The president, of course, let his thoughts be known on Twitter.
Conservative commentator Ann Coulter lambasted former Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-S.C.) on Monday after he dismissed her criticisms of President Trump's decision to end a partial government shutdown without funding for a border wall.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

“Tariffs on the “dumping” of Steel in the United States have totally revived our Steel Industry. New and expanded plants are happening all over the U.S. We have not only saved this important industry, but created many jobs. Also, billions paid to our treasury. A BIG WIN FOR U.S.”
Planned Parenthood is no better than some of the worst entities in history
Border Patrol agents in California are saying virtual surveillance is a compliment, not a substitute, to border security; William La Jeunesse reports.
NBC News special correspondent and former “NBC Nightly News” anchor Tom Brokaw received scathing backlash Sunday for remarks he made on a “Meet the Press” segment about Hispanic assimilation.
What Will It Take To Make You Understand And Accept That They Hate You? - Kurt Schlichter: You need to die because of your smile.That’s the position .01/28/2019 8:57:34AM EST.
President Trump lashed out at ?Fox News Sunday? after Trump critic Gillian Turner suggested that his base will turn on him and that world leaders have less respect for him because he caved on the border wall. Fox News? White House reporter, John Roberts, filled in for Chris Wallace to host the weekly talk show. Also ?
Will the Justice Department ever correct the record?

A Moral Dilemma

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

Philadelphia (1210 WPHT) - The American left’s new “it” girl is New York freshman Democrat congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  Mostly famous for her Instagram posts and appearances on talk shows, “AOC” is also becoming famous for her Yogi Berra-esque political commentary.  Gem
Conservative author and firebrand Ann Coulter was one of Donald Trump’s biggest supporters from day one. She stumped for him while he campaigned, putting all her time and energy behind the businessman’s efforts to become president. Coulter’s biggest gripe, like many Americans, was the influx of illegal immigration and how the federal government was doing …