In a 1975 interview with 60 Minutes, President Ronald Reagan said, “You know, someone very profoundly once said many years ago that if…
Florida Republican Marco Rubio made the rounds on the Sunday Talk Shows. Rubio told Chuck Todd on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that he will fight President Trump if he declares an emergency on the southern border to build a wall. Rubio does not like the precedent it will set. Rubio is a Republican leader. Transcript …
At least 1,000 girls in the UK have been subjected to the African practice of "breast ironing" -- deforming the breast with a hot rock.
The state ethics commission found probable cause that Gillum violated Florida law by failing to report gifts from lobbyists.
Longtime Trump ally Roger Stone denied doing anything wrong, calling the indictment against him "thin as piss on a rock" during an interview on ABC's "This Week." "This was an expensive show of force to try to depict me as public enemy number one, the OG to attempt to poison the jury pool," Stone said before forcefully denying having any contacts with WikiLeaks. STONE: Well, I must tell you, George. I think the way I was treated on Thursday is extraordinary. I think the American people need to hear about it. I'm 66 years old. I don't own a firearm. I have no prior criminal record. My passport has expired. The special counsel's office is well aware of the fact that I'm represented. The idea that a 29-member SWAT team in full tactical gear with assault weapons would surround my house, 17 vehicles in my front yard, including two armored vehicles, a helicopter overhead, amphibious vehicles in the back where my house backs onto a canal and I would open the door looking down the barrel of assault weapons, that I would be frog marched out front barefooted and handcuffed when they simply could have... STEPHANOPOULOS: Roger, let me just -- but as you know it's pretty standard for that to happen. They work in... STONE: No, it's not, not standard at all. STEPHANOPOULOS: That
An African tradition of ironing young girls' breasts to stop development has hit the United Kingdom, a new report shows.
What follows is a brief analysis of the relevant statutes for bringing a prosecution for lying to Congress and discussion of how the statutes apply to Clinton's

Maduro Should Go | National Review

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

President Trump advances freedom in Venezuela.

Antifa Violence Will End Badly

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

Fascists against Fascism: Come again? A former Marine and blogger by the name of David Risselada published on Freedom Outpost a...
Doctor Who Has Delivered Nearly 4,000 Babies Torches New York Abortion Law - Timothy Meads: Lifesite News reports that Dr. William Lile, a board certified obstetrician-gynecologist, .01/27/2019 18:54:54PM EST.
Ein Tweet der Dresdner Seenotretter sorgt für Aufregung. Wirbt „Mission Lifeline" für Ehen? Aus der Politik gibt es harte Kritik!
U.S. President Donald Trump's administration on Sunday lifted sanctions on ...

Bad, Press | National Review

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

How the media fail.
Momentum is building for action to prevent patients from receiving massive unexpected medical bills, aided by President Trump, who is vowing to take on the issue.
Sunday on CNN's "Inside Politics," senior White House correspondent Jeff Zeleny said former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is telling people she | Clips
The web keeps growing.
Report: Russian Government Initiative Gave Millions of Dollars to Clinton Foundation
Special counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election, was reportedly eyeing whether Erik Prince's meeting with Putin associate and investor Kirill Dmitriev was part of an effort to establish a secret line of communication between the Kremlin and the incoming
In another iteration of the liberal media’s suggestion that support for the border wall was driven primarily by racism, longtime NBC newsman Tom Brokaw appeared on Sunday’s Meet the Press and claimed Republicans have told him they’re not enthusiastic about the idea of having “brown grandbabies”.

Bourbon, Neat

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

Bourbon, Neat
Conservative author Jerome Corsi reaffirmed Sunday he merely "connected the dots" in asserting in 2016 that a damaging WikiLeaks' data dump involved emails hacked from ex-Hillary Clinton presidential campaign chair John Podesta.In an interview on CNN's "State of the Union,"...
New Gallup global income data estimate the median household income across 131 countries at $9,733, and median per-capita income at $2,920. Incomes in the 10 wealthiest countries are more than 50 times those in the 10 poorest.
Asma Aweys, from Edmonton, north London, shared ISIS propaganda in a family WhatsApp group with her brother Ahmed Aweys and her husband Abdulaziz Abu Munye.
Bradley Birzer’s 'In Defense of Andrew Jackson' offers a lucid portrait of an American president who is often misunderstood and neglected.
Here are the stories our panel of top political reporters will be watching for in the days ahead in this week's "Inside Politics" forecast.