
GOP Senate: Tax Reform or Bust

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

GOP Senate: Tax Reform or Bust
Unassimilated, underemployed young Muslim men appear to be most vulnerable to domestic terrorism, and chain migration seems to frequently assist.
I’ve met many liberals who begrudgingly admit one thing about Donald Trump – he hires good and capable people. And no matter how much those libs dislike the commander-in-chief, every ?
Giving amnesty to millions of illegal aliens under DACA program would cost American taxpayers a total of $26 billion, according to the CBO.
It’s an industry. Thanks to Lisa Bloom, spawn of Gloria Allred, we now know that Trump accusers are paid $750,000 by top Democrat donors to accuse the billionaire president of sexual abuse. With Democrats it’s all about power by any means necessary. Democrats paraded out three Trump accusers this week. Someone needs to check their …
On Friday, the inestimably-gifted and omniscient CNN pundit Sally Kohn decided to trumpet the idea of electing black women to office, presumably at the expense of any other candidate who is not a black woman.
Parents can thank Ted Cruz, who offered the original amendment to extend college savings plans to grade school and high school.
Early Friday afternoon, CNN host Wolf Blitzer and rabble-rouser/senior White House correspondent Jim Acosta sought to throw cold water on any questions surrounding the Mueller probe into possible Trump-Russia collusion, denouncing concerns “as a right-wing narrative” promulgated by “conservative media” to influence President Trump.

Boston Tea Party

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

On Dec. 16, 1773, “radicals” from Boston threw 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor.
They're much more likely to say that the “country has not gone far enough on women’s rights."
Perhaps adding fuel to the criticism against the near-end-of-week game, the stakes were pretty low for last night’s Thursday Night Football, with neither the Denver Broncos nor the Indianapolis Col…
In his new rap album 'Revival,' Eminem says it has been 'embarrassing' to be white and he thinks about 'checking out on life' and killing himself because he 'can't escape t
Last weekend, the Orange County District Attorney’s office in southern California completed the first successful prosecution of a major node in Planned Parent
Parents of local children, officials and Danish politicians have criticized a school after it chose to cancel the traditional Christmas service
Nationally-syndicated radio host Rush Limbaugh told his millions of listeners this week that he believes the Justice Department Inspector General’s report on the FBI’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email probe will blow special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe to “smithereens.” Rush Limbaugh told his listeners Wednesday: “Well, there is a theory out there that holds …
‘Our record as journalists in covering this Trump story and the Russian story is pretty good,” legendary reporter Carl Bernstein recently claimed. Pretty good? If there’s a major news story over th…
Whether Democrats will be able to replicate their upset victory in the 2018 midterms is far from certain.
Sloppy work creates self-inflicted wounds.
On Friday, the informative videos produced by PragerU, a conservative not-for-profit organization founded by author and radio host Dennis Prager in 2011, surpassed 1 billion views.
Some liberal journalists just can't get the notion out of their minds that George Wallace was a Republican, even though the former segregationist governor of Alabama was a lifelong Democrat. On Friday's Washington Week on PBS, host Robert Costa -- also a Washington Post reporter -- suggested that Wallace was a part of the Republican party's "past" as he recalled that some black voters in Alabama are worried about the direction the GOP is taking.
Reverend Abraham Ben Moses becomes first Christian cleric to fall foul of controversial law
I'm curious to see how the Democrats react in the event that Roy Moore actually wins the elections? Apparently more votes were found!
The Trump economic boom is picking up steam as American heads into the final weeks of the president's first year in office.
Hysterical overstatement is damaging our democracy by creating a sense of perpetual crisis ...