If there's one thing Trump supporters should never worry about, it's whether or not Donald Trump will build the wall on the Mexican border. It's going to happen. In fact, if he can only accomplish one thing in his Presidency, that would be it. His ego demands a monument, and I'm not talking about a library.
Will 2017 be the year conservatives wake up to the dangers of the federal judiciary?
Have you ever heard of the International Republican Institute? Your tax dollars fund it and its counterpart, the International Democratic Institute.


Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

Today we look at a video from pro black youtuebr Rahson Delay. Here he drops some "wisdom" and tells us that the enemy of the black race is white people. I m...

The Climatist Offensive 2006-…

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

Updated & Corrected: N-grams show that the climatist offensive started in 2006, apparently following the release of Al Gore?s An Inconvenient Truth, rather than in 2005. This follow-up po…

The Ferguson Effect Lives On

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

Violence in American cities rose again in 2016, as cops backed off proactive policing.
One refreshing change is that Trump is at least honest.
The EPA is trying to restrict wood burning stoves in rural Alaska.
Appearing on Reliable Sources today, CNN senior international corespondent Clarissa Ward spoke to host Brian Stelter about the current media environment we find
While pondering the last days of Barack Obama as president of the United States - not something entered into lightly considering that wasting ones time pondering the intricacies of the digestive process of a clam is more rewarding - but nonetheless watching the Obama Administration in its death throes one is reminded of the old saying about doors slamming against posteriors.
Lauren Southern of TheRebel.media looks at a BBC report on American liberals' sudden embrace of the Second Amendment. MORE: http://www.therebel.media/u_s_lib...
“They are Republicans and Trump knows they didn’t support him.”
WikiLeaks have suggested that murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich leaked the Clinton and Podesta emails, and not Russian hackers as is widely reported.
Because Title IX is referenced as providing the interpretation of Obamacare sex discrimination ban, O’Connor found that Obama administration's expanded definition of sex discrimination exceeds the [Title IX] grounds” provided for in the ACA, making that provision contrary to law and a violation of the APA.
The Texas Attorney General won a nationwide preliminary injunction to block a new Obamacare mandate requiring taxpayers to fund transgender reassignment surgeries and abortions. The new rule which defines "sex" as a state of mind was scheduled to take effect January 1, 2017.
Former Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy on Sunday blamed the Black Lives Matter movement for the uptick in violent crime in this country.
While Trump parades his ego in D.C., many will gather in cities across America to show unity in opposition to..
“There must be serious legislative efforts to…”
The ABC host continued, "The Obama Administration did nothing that we know of publicly. Why did they do nothing about that huge hack done by China and...
The Clinton campaign likely failed in part because of Christianophobia in the top ranks of her leadership.
Both groups want to distort the Constitution to serve their own purposes.
An Afghan migrant attacked a woman at an asylum centre in Austria because she was reading a bible.

Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

Liberals believe in government action...Conservatives believe in limited government.
The 10 Most Annoying Liberals of 2016 - John Hawkins: Honorable mentions: Samantha Bee, CAIR, Ta-Nesi Coates, Dixie Chicks, Bill .12/31/2016 10:56:49AM EST.
Yesterday I submitted my post Fake News with photos of Fake Scientists to Reddit in subreddit inthenews.  It received one positive and one negative comments, and then I was banned from inthenews an…