When I challenged him about the 'hottest year on record,' a New York Times reporter explained that his readers are too dumb to understand numbers.
The judge also accused Tarpley's lawyers of playing "word games" by arguing that his claims that Melania Trump suffered a mental breakdown were not libelous.
While other tech leaders glad-hand with The Donald, Mark Zuckerberg is facing him head on. Today the Facebook CEO called out the president for his unAmerican..
The president met with the military brass and signed an executive action that calls for bulking up the military. He also signed a measure that freezes immigration from seven mostly Muslim countries.
On January 16, The Daily Beast published an opinion piece titled When Scientists Hate Science, authored by Paul Offit, M.D., professor of pediatrics and director of the Vaccine Education Center.
BY FAHIM MOSTAFA -- The flat tax has boosted consumption in Hungary, greatly increasing taxes collected from sales. Total tax revenue has shot up despite the massive cuts made to income tax.
Abortion opponents are gathering in Washington for their annual march, the highest-ranking official to address the marchers.

Grading Trump’s First Week: B+

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

We’re now through a whirlwind first week under President Trump’s administration. It’s an excellent time to evaluate – just how has this been going? We’ll break down Trump’s performance along three lines: policy, rhetoric, and what we’ll call the in-between.
VP Pence at March for Life: Supreme Court Nominee Will Uphold God-Given Constitutional Liberties
Sometimes social media gets it wrong. Who knew?
The tech company had many close links to the Obama administration. Now it’s scrambling to forge ties with President Trump and a Republican-dominated Congress.
It all comes down to whether executive actions are being used to enforce or rewrite existing law.

Best one liner ever

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Bob Hope making a joke about dems
Media Matters for America, the George Soros-funded progressive activist organization, has secretly been strategizing a major campaign to “stop” Breitbart News.
After a fast-paced first week of putting “America First” by targeting pseudo-“free trade” regimes and rogue regulatory agencies, Trump is reportedly preparing to take on the United Nations. By Alex Newman
Liberty lovers can’t have it both ways.
German newspaper editor suggests "“Murder in the White House."
Kellyanne Conway, counselor to President Donald Trump, said Friday at the March for Life that the right to life is a God-given right – not a privilege or a choice.
Here’s the headline from today’s New York Times: “Federal Agencies Told to Halt External Communications.” President Trump, you’d be led to believe from this headline, has struck again, stamping his jackboots all over the dissemination of information from science-based executive agencies. Here’s the lead from the Times:
The U.S. economy slowed in the fourth quarter and annual growth failed to reach 3% for the 11th straight year, reflecting the huge hurdles the new Trump administration faces in trying to speed up a 7 ½-year-old expansion.
Politics: During the primaries and the presidential campaign, Donald Trump rarely described himself as a conservative. But his appointments and his initial actions as president have turned out to be as about as right wing as it gets. Trump over the years has earned a healthy amount of skepticism

Blending Science With Propaganda

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The Left and only the Left can control scientific thought. Or so they say.
‘Folks like Rush Limbaugh, some commentators on Fox News, that hot house ... has been harmful to the country’