Can every child receive a good education? With school choice and competition, yes. The problem? Powerful teachers unions oppose school choice. Rebecca Friedr...
Israeli leader accepts invitation from Trump to visit US

Honoring the Sanctity of Life

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Reflecting on the Roe v. Wade anniversary.
The Women’s March doesn’t actually include all women.
Guest essay by Eric Worrall LA Times suggests the centrepiece of California?s green policies might be about to collapse in the face of an ongoing legal challenge. The immediate threat to Cali…

Trump – The Winner Takes it All

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The winner takes it all The loser standing small Beside the victory That's her destiny
Chelsea Clinton has come to the defense of the youngest Trump, Barron, as many criticized him for his apparent lack of engagement throughout his father's campaign and Friday's inauguration.
It’s the strangest thing about these leftists - they're obsessed with Donald Trump, absolutely obsessed. Now, they will say we, with our logic and reason, ar...
I know you don’t know me. I know you don’t even think about me and when you do, it’s probably not anything nice. I’m the evil hegemonically masculine patriarchal oppressor to you feminists. I’m the jackbooted statist thug to you dope smokin’ long-haired hippies. I’m “The Man” to you racial activists. I’m the idiot who joined the military because I “wasn’t smart enough” to go get a liberal arts degree like you know-it-all 20-year-old college dipshits; and for some reason you hate me for that. I’m that guy with the rifle who signed on the dotted line for $24K a year so that you budding Marxist fucksticks could have the freedom to complain about me and the manner in which I provide it. I have a little message for you.I see you there, in Portland… In Chicago… In San Francisco… In Bumfuck Directional School Liberal Arts College… You’re having your temper tantrums because ever since mommy dropped you off at Daycare 20 years ago you’ve been throwing them to get your way. Now you’re super pissed about the results of a presidential election where the other guy (and the only guy in the race for that matter) won.I’m not here to talk politics, or explain the Electoral College, or to tell you what hypocritical douchebags you are for doing the things you’re doing. No. I have a much simpler conversation to have with you. See, I read what you post on Twitter, Facebook, and your various internet blogs. I see you on the news breaking things, setting fires, and assaulting people of the opposite political belief. I see you there with your fat ugly unshaven feminist women and black power slogan screaming race baiters, throwing rocks and bottles at the lines of police officers trying to keep order in your own cities. I know your rhetoric.  I know all your identity politics stems from the Marxist activists and 'intellectuals' who have pushed the American left farther left than ever before.  I know you believe your “progressive” views are the supreme moral authority on every single issue and somehow this perception allows you to justify your totalitarian social views and hypocritical violent outbursts. You profess to hate half this country for their alleged bigotry while carrying signs that say "Love Wins!"I also know you’re a coward.I know this because you keep screaming, and blogging, and protesting, and even rioting… but you won’t start this “uprising” you keep going on and on about. If you really believe that your cause is just, that the majority supports you, and that the United States needs to be overthrown to make way for your Progressive social utopia of sunshine and free shit… pick up a gun and start your revolution like every other communist group in history. See, I come from an organization that spent the better part of the last century training to fight a bunch of little commie heathens, and I have a pretty healthy respect for any Ivan who was willing to pick up an AK47 and parachute onto the continent ready to overthrow the USA. That takes some guts. You’re not like him though. You’re quite different actually. Ivan was in shape. You’re a bunch of ‘fat acceptance’ advocates who complain airline seats are too small for your 9,000 calories per day diet. Ivan was a proud masculine man. You have drag queens and fat feminist women with green hair. Ivan grew up mining coal and hunting wolves in the Urals. You want socialism because you’re upset that you can’t get a 6-figure job at age 24 with the bullshit arts degree you spent all that loan money on and haven’t done a day of physical labor in your life. Ivan was a veteran of Stalingrad, Afghanistan, and a dozen bush wars. You think “Call of Duty” is too violent and sexist. Ivan packed an AK47 and knew how to use it. Those among you leftists now who even have weapons ditch them after you rob the liquor store or 7/11 and go hide out at your aunt’s Section 8 housing. You don’t have the discipline Ivan did, at least he used the sights. Ivan killed jihadists by the thousands. You make excuses for them and want to invite them into our country.You all have your reasons for hating America and whether or not I agree isn’t even relevant. I took an oath as did all of my brothers and sisters in uniform to defend this country against all enemies foreign AND domestic. I will always protect your rights to free speech and expression through lawful and civil protest whether or not your cause is something I believe in. However, you seem to believe revolution and violence are the answer now, and that makes you a domestic enemy of the United States I protect and serve. Do it and I’ll teach you how we make the fuckin’ green grass grow. You keep saying you want a revolution, secession, a new Civil War and the election of “Racist/sexist/homophobic/Republican/Nazi/xenophobic/dictator/Islamophobic/rich guy asshole” Donald Trump is the catalyst for you to take action and destroy every evil you perceive this country to stand for…Well… We’re waiting. Shit or get off the pot.Iron MikeThe views and opinions expressed on this website are solely those of the original authors and other contributors. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of Gruntworks, the staff, and/or any/all contributors to this site.
Newly minted Secretary of Defense James Mattis celebrated his first full day at the Pentagon by overseeing 31 strikes against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. Mattis entered the Pentagon Saturd

Trump's actual crowd as it rained

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Redstate News
We mouth the formulaic words but reflect too little on the political miracle that is the peaceful transfer of power. The enormous authority entrusted to the president shifts from someone who leaves...
In an attempt to do something of deep import, half a million Americans across the country took to the streets on Saturday. Many donned pink hats they labeled “pussyhats”; these were knit caps with cat ears. Why? Because they were protesting the inauguration of President Donald Trump, who was infamously caught on tape talking about grabbing women by the “p***y” on an Access Hollywood bus some years back. Reporters even spotted police officers donning the “pussyhats.”
An elderly woman demanded a Donald Trump supporter seated next to her be moved, but she quickly found out that’s not how the world works. Scott Kotesky, in a window seat, posted video on Saturday showing a woman in the middle seat complaining about him to airline personnel.   Posted by Scott Koteskey on Saturday, …
Madonna, at Women's March on Washington, uses several expletives, says she has thought about "blowing up the White House"
Who knew President Trump's lewd 2005 Access Hollywood video, particularly his ugly grab 'em by the pussy line, would start a movement? A lot of political observers thought it would sink his presidential candidacy — wrong — but few might have predicted it would bring hundreds of thousands of pussy-obsessed protesters to Washington. And yet that is what happened with the Women's March on Saturday, the day after Trump's inauguration. People bring signs to protest marches. At some demonstrations, there are hundreds or thousands of professionally-printed placards, each bearing the small-print note that they were produced by, say, the AFL-CIO or NARAL. That's a sure sign of out-in-the-open astroturfing. The Women's March wasn't that. There were zillions of signs, and only a tiny minority were professionally done. Instead, nearly all the signs were homemade, apparently heartfelt expressions of deep feelings on the part of the marchers. Some of the signs seemed angry, but the people carrying them mostly did not. Many of the signs were all over the lot, plain-vanilla denunciations of Donald Trump or Republicans; there were immigration-based signs, gun control-based signs, Muslim rights-based signs, signs about Trump's combover.
"The 'Women’s March' is an extension of strategic identity politics"
Migration patterns for 2016 show that Americans tended to move away from high-tax states and into states where residents keep more of what they earn.
After no pardon from Obama, claim of no possibility for fair trial under Trump.
Orlando, FL - The 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, made a point during the busy inauguration tim...
Arizona Sen. John McCain on Sunday said he's still uncertain about whether President Trump will lead a successful administration. Asked if he has confidence in America's new commander in chief, the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee twice said: I do not know. I do not know because has made so many comments that are contradictory, McCain told ABC's George Stephanopoulos. But I think the fact that he's appointed and nominated these outstanding individuals is bound to be an encouraging sign, he continued. I trust them and have worked with them over many years. McCain, a Republican, has been a leading critic of Rex Tillerson, Trump's pick for secretary of State. But he admitted Sunday that he is impressed with the generals Trump has appointed to his administration. I have the utmost confidence in Gen. Mattis, Gen. Kelly and Gen. Flynn, he said. I couldn't have picked a better Cabinet.
Breathing exercises in the Rose Garden and a steady stream of booze got the White House through election night, a communications staffer wrote in a story recounting his experience watching Democratic
Her crimes weren't as great as Edward Snowden's, but that shouldn't have been enough for a commuted sentence.
Countries that disbanded their government bureaucracies haven't been sorry.