
Nonviolent protests work. Violent protests cause a backlash.


The president-elect has a social media audience of 45 million Americans. During primetime Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC have a combined audience of 4.66 million.


The move is one of Trump’s first official acts in office.


No one should be surprised that postmodern America chose an antihero to be our next president. Donald Trump is postmodernism embodied.


Federalist senior editor Mollie Hemmingway joined Fox News's "Media Buzz" on Sunday to talk about the White House's war against the press.


The plan excludes the “military, public safety, and public health.”


According to the pro-Trump passenger the woman started the fight when she asked him if he was in the area to support or protest Trump. When he said he was there to support democracy she began to berate him and demand that he change seats. Flight attendants were made aware of the situation and talked to the woman. The pilot of the aircraft decided that she be removed from the flight. At first she refused to but eventually the woman and her husband left the plane.
Here's video of the passengers cheering as she exited the plane:
Here's how Scott Koteskey, the pro-Trump supporter, described the situation:
Just had the craziest experience ever on an airplane:
I'm boarding my flight from Baltimore to Seattle and approach my seat. I had an upgraded seat that I paid a little extra for because of the long 6 hour flight. As I approach my row I smile and motion to the husband and wife sitting in the aisle and middle seat that my seat was next to the window. I put my backpack in the overhead and the wife with a very stern voice says to me:
"Did you come here to cheer or to protest?"
"I came here to celebrate democracy ma'am"
... I knew this was going to be a long flight at this point. She then proceeded with: (somewhat paraphrased as my memory allows)
Her: "You put a crazed man in charge of the nuclear codes! You should be ashamed!"
Me: 'Well we're all entitled to our opinions here ma'am."
Her: "And I'm entitled to get drunk and puke in your lap! I'm going to throw up right in your lap! You make me sick! Don't talk to me! Don't look at me! Don't you dare even put your arm on that rest. You disgust me! You should be ashamed of yourself! You put a maniac's finger on the button" (assuming she's means nukes). You are a bigot. You should get off this plane!"
Me: "ma'am, by definition, bigotry is disparaging someone prior to knowing them simply by their beliefs and opinions. Thank you for being the very thing you preach against."
She the proceeded with other various rantings such as my lack of critical thinking and other insults. Finally a flight attendant came over as you will see in the video followed by a supervisor informing that she would have to deboard the plane per captains orders.
After much fuss, airport police came and removed her from the plane. The lady across from me filmed that and was gracious to sent it to me. Many others around me defended me insisting the lady had caused all the commotion and was verbally assaulting not just me but others wearing various Trump apparel boarding the plane.
As the lady was removed I saw that I was surrounded by blacks, Latinos, Asians, and whites, all who had chimed in asking her to be removed and who had defended me. I was touched and moved knowing later that not all these people were trump supporters. The black man who took the seat next to me was a registered Democrat and he and I had a very good discussion about the beauty of free speech and coming together when people insult and commit acts of violence just for having differing views.
It truly was a great demonstration of AMERICA and its people coming together and standing up for one another. Hope you enjoy.
(via The American Mirror)


The heroic unit in the American political tradition is the individual, not the mob.


The media would like to imagine themselves heroes in their war with Trump. If they don't improve quickly, they'll fail in their task.


Can a state college compel students to engage in activism on behalf of "social justice" causes to pass a necessary course? That's the issue in a case now under appeal to the Supreme Court of Rhode Island.


To improve our broken health care system, Rich Lesser and Barry Rosenberg write we must focus on improving not just costs and access, but the quality of hospital care provided.


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Trump and the GOP are saying, finally, what millions of people have been thinking for a long time: EPA has become the cause of, not the solution to, the nation’s major environmental problems. It’s time to end EPA.


I decided to infiltrate the protest to get an objective view of how these protests go down.


President Trump’s hotel in Washington’s stately Old Post Office Building lost money in its first months, according to the General Services Administration.


"Governments don’t limit their own power, and documents can’t enforce themselves." --Michael Boldin, Tenth Amendment Center


Making good on a campaign promise, President Trump on Monday signed an executive order withdrawing the United States from the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal.


When President Donald Trump visited the CIA Saturday, he had hoped that CIA Director Mike Pompeo would accompany him. But when Trump arrived at the Langley, Virginia, headquarters of the Agency, he was instead accompanied by Congressman Mike Pompeo.
Representative Pompeo will almost certainly be confirmed as CIA Director on Monday. And the CIA will no doubt survive two days without its new leader. But the nastiness of the partisan sniping between top Republicans and Democrats that led to the delay may well have a lasting impact on the Senate - in this Congress and beyond.
According to six sources familiar with the negotiations over Pompeo's confirmation, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer told Republican leaders that he would allow Pompeo to be confirmed by voice vote on Inauguration Day, along with two other Trump nominees who have national security responsibilities. But Schumer broke his promise, these sources say, and offered an insulting excuse for having done so.


“It must be nice, it must be nice, to have Washington on your side.” The pensive refrain from the second act of the smash Broadway hit Hamilton: An American Musical could be the most ironic of the play given the political climate of 2017. The surrounding song highlights the frustration of the Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans at their inability to defeat the policy proposals of the Alexander | Read More


President Donald Trump donated $10,000 to one of his campaign volunteers, whose father is battling cancer.


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George Will is no longer on the Fox News Channel payroll. Fox declined to renew the contract of the Washington Post and syndicated political columnist who is a