
"It doesn’t make sense to can the general in the middle of an active deployment," rages D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson (D) after Maj. Gen. Errol R. Schwartz, who heads the D.C. National Guard and is an integral part of overseeing the inauguration, has been ordered removed from command effective Jan. 20, 12:01 p.m., just as Donald Trump is sworn in as president.


Fashion designers who oppose Trump shouldn’t have to work for him. Likewise Christian bakers and same-sex weddings.


Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner has just reintroduced legislation to disband the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives


YouTube is making waves for removing a channel of a top conservative politics and law website due to copyright claims.


Civil-rights legend and Georgia Rep. John Lewis said he is going to sit out Donald Trump’s inauguration because he doesn’t believe Trump is a “legitimate president.” “I believe in forgiveness. I be…


72 countries – minus Israel – will attend a Middle East “peace” conference in Paris to set the parameters for a future Palestinian state.


Israel is bracing for more hostile declarations from a bloc of more than 70 nations meeting Sunday in Paris with the goal of embracing a document that calls for a two-state solution with a Palestinian state formed within the 1949 boundaries. Israel will not even have a representative in Paris, nor will Israel be present […]


Politico: Tabloids' 'Ambient Headlines' May Have Cost Hillary the Election


Bible students have been warned they may see distressing images while studying the crucifixion of Jesus.


My experience at U.C. Davis and the cancelation of the Milo Yiannopoulos and Martin Shkreli event. Music by: Sirius Beat - The Cosmos Link: http://youtu.be/B...


Fusion GPS of Washington is run by three ex-Wall Street Journal reporters, including Glenn SImpson (pictured). It commissioned the company run by ex-spies to write the dirty dossier.


U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal he would keep intact sanctions against Russia "at least for a period of time," and also said he wouldn't commit to the "one China" policy until he sees progress from Beijing in its currency and trade practices.


A chapter of American History has officially closed. Frank Buckles, the last surviving American veteran of World War I, died of natural causes Sunday at the age of 110 in his Charles Town, W. Va., home, a family spokesman said in a statement.


Even though initial reports indicated ABC was in the among the networks interested in signing up Megyn Kelly, as we all now by now, Kelly opted to sign a deal


Vice President Joe Biden: Romney 'Will 'Put Y'all Back In Chains' Joe Biden to supporters: Mitt Romney will 'put you all back in chains' Romney will 'put you...


Afghanistan: Total strikes: 853-859 Total killed: 2,375-3,035 Civilians killed: 125-182 Children killed: 6-23 Injured: 338-390 Most recent strike: Jan. 10, 2017 Pakistan: Total strikes: 424 Obama s…


A group of House Republicans is pushing President-elect Donald Trump to keep in place Obama administration protections for about 750,000 young illegal immigrants, joining with Democrats on legislation to extend a shield on their deportations for another three years.


Downward mobility: Their student debt is drastically higher and "I think the opportunities have just been fading away."


Political Correctness is a strategy to reshape America.


The minimum wage debate in society is one of emotion and economics. From an economic perspective, the sustainability is often in question. How can businesses keep the doors open and prices down whi...


And they gave us a way to end the abuse.


Ron Livingston explains his typical day to the Bob's consulting team


Thomas Jefferson acquired 530 million acres for $15 million and, under the Constitution, relinquished the vast majority of it to newly created states and their people- and changed the world. Outgoi


Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin held what the US president described as a “candid, blunt and businesslike” meeting on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Hangzhou, China, on Monday.


The prospective incoming Secretary of Defense, Retired Marine General James Mattis, speaking at his confirmation hearing, refused to acknowledge that the capital of Israel is Jerusalem.
Speaking to the Senate Armed Services Committee, Mattis appeared to be less-than-staunch supporter of Israel in many ways: