Movie critic Frank Scheck of The Hollywood Reporter offered a rave review of President Obama's farewell address on Tuesday night, hailing it in the headline as "One Last Reminder of What Presidential Looks Like." Donald Trump is all "schoolyard taunts" for white people in "silly hats," while Obama is so terrific that "Watching him walk off the stage made you feel like a child desperately holding onto a father’s pants [sic] legs to try to prevent him from leaving the house."
Russia has no dirt on Donald Trump, according to the president-elect, who in a Friday tweet storm fingered US intelligence agencies for “probably” releasing a scandalous, unverified dossier on him …
Liberals are increasingly adopting Trumpist rhetoric and strategies in their reaction to Donald Trump.
Senators Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham hit the morning television circuit Thursday to unveil their new bill to defund the United Nations. Standing shoulder to shoulder and smiling, the two national security-minded lawmakers appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe and Fox News’ Fox and Friends to detail a plan that would block taxpayer dollars from funding the corrupt international body.
The ex-Congressman and the President have a history.
The Messy Truth With Van Jones | FULL Donald Trump Post Election Special
The investigation found widespread evidence of unconstitutional use of force. It was launched more than a year ago after a black teenager was shot and killed by a white Chicago police officer.
Chicago police have violated the constitutional rights of residents for years, permitting racial bias against blacks, using excessive force and shooting people who did not pose immediate threats, the Justice Department announced Friday after a yearlong investigation. Officers endangered...
Businesses are passing along the cost of the tax to consumers, because that's how taxes work. Someone get Jim Kenney an economics textbook.
Universities across the country are participating in a "teach-in" movement this month dedicated to “challenging Trumpism.”
The duo will introduce a bill Thursday that would cut off U.S. funding to the U.N.

The Histrionics of a Fraud

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Let’s dispense with the obvious — while it’s far too early for political prognostication surrounding the 2020 presidential campaign, it doesn’t take too much effort to see that the Democrats have very little in the way of worthy candidates for nomination. For this, they can thank Barack Obam?
A regional court in Germany has decided that a brutal attempt to set fire to a local synagogue in 2014 was an act meant to express criticism against Israel's conduct in its ongoing conflict with Gaza
President-elect Donald Trump’s team has taken a lot of heat for threatening to kick a CNN reporter out of Trump Tower for being “rude” during a Wednesday press conference. The media heaped on
'Dear Sasha and Malia...'
Lawyers for President-elect Donald Trump have produced a document justifying his right to profit from bookings at his luxury hotels by citing the federalist papers and a victim of Nazi persecution
In celebration of the U.S. Min and Treasury's 225th anniversary, the new $100 coin will feature Lady Liberty as an black woman.
In the war on terror, guns and bombs just haven’t been enough.
As has been pointed out, Barack Obama, with one week to go in his administration decided to shut down the “wet foot, dry foot” policy for Cuban refugees. Under the policy, that has been in place for two decades, Cubans intercepted at sea are repatriated, but if they make it to land (which is almost always Florida), they are allowed to stay and get legal | Read More »
Obamacare isn't a healthcare act, its an insurance act we can...and did...live without
Guest post by Joe Hoft Yesterday not one but two Liberal icons were presented ‘participation’ awards for their work in ...
Robert R. Reilly: Diplomacy in an Age of Global Terrorism www.westminster-institute.org/
Vice President Joe Biden confirmed on Thursday that the intelligence community briefed him and President Obama on the unverified report alleging President-elect Trump worked with the Russians to defeat Hillary Clinton. In an interview with the Associated Press, Biden confirmed intelligence chiefs told him and Obama about the report, which was published in full by BuzzFeed earlier this week. The officials were concerned it might leak, Biden said. As a matter of fact, the president was like, 'What does this have anything to do with anything?' Biden said. The intelligence leaders responded by saying, Well, we feel obliged to tell you, Mr. President, because you may hear about it. We're going to tell (Trump), Biden said.
It has been said that the longest journey is from the mind to the heart. The real world political debate about minimum wage echoes this age old philosophical dilemma. Though the majority of people support the concept of "a livable wage," the economic realities of it as sound policy is fraught with problems. Central to this issue is whether it is possible to create a commercial situation where workers in so-called low-skilled  jobs are paid enough to afford their basic needs by?
Will Trump reverse this troubling move to grab power from the states?