The heading of this post is taken from an email, sent by one Deputy Attorney General to another one in connection with the so-called ?ExxonKnew? witch-hunt, but it is the key to underst…
Elderly millionaire actress, Meryl Streep, used the Global Globe Awards as a platform to launch a rambling political tirade against Donald Trump. http://www....
Meryl Streep’s speech at the Golden Globes is why the Left wins: If it wins the culture, conservatives’ focus on winning elections won’t matter.
Get ready for 'racism,' 'fabrication' from the Left during Jeff Sessions confirmation.
The potential reforms they’ve identified could damage the tax base and the U.S. and global economies.
“We need a governor who…”
What would happen if Based Mom sat down with Based Goddess for an hour to discuss modern-day feminism? No need to speculate—here's the full one-hour intervie...

Why Democrats Want War With Russia

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

If the American people are stampeded into a New Cold War based more on myths than reality, the minimal cost could be trillions of dollars diverted from domestic needs into the Military Industrial C…
Eeek! Official Washington is being traumatized by the tweets of Donald Trump. Politico has chronicled the pearl clutching concern by the inside the beltway types over Trump's tweets. It seems Trump speaking directly to the people via Twitter is causing a crises among politicians and lobbyists who just don't know how to handle it as reflected in the article title, Trump’s Twitter feed traumatizes Washington.
Here is another reason why the fact-checking phenomenon is junk: On Monday afternoon, the Associated Press (AP) published a story by Mark Kennedy to “fact-check” President-elect Donald Trump’s opinion that far-left actress Meryl Streep is “overrated.”
During the panel discussion on the January 8 episode of Fox News Sunday, Juan Williams claimed that last week's torture of a mentally handicapped white man by four black adults "stirs up racial tensions already hot from the campaign rhetoric of Donald Trump," and that "white nationalists" would see this as an excuse to "legitimize acts of white racism." After the panel spent a couple of minutes dealing with a viewer's question about a perceived overemphasis on the "politics" of this crime instead of the fact that it was "a racial hate crime," Laura Ingraham circled back to criticize Williams's comment as "completely off base."
A Syrian Kurd opened the “Trump Restaurant” in liberated Kobani this week. The Kurdish owner said it was in honor ...
That’s whom Hillary Clinton should be blaming.
Two members of Donald Trump’s most inner circle have found a special kind of understanding.
No doubt you've all heard the news about Meryl Streep and her totally not acting performa- I mean acceptance speech, in which she calls out Donald Trump for ...

The Case for Jeff Sessions

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Barack Obama's Justice Department is out of control. America needs an attorney general who will enforce the law.
So what ever happened to the GOP purporting to be interested in balancing the budget? Now senators in the GOP are claiming that they have to let the public debt rise from its current $20 trillion to $29.1 trillion by 2027 in order to repeal Obamacare. Not only that, the GOP is forecasting deficits of $1 trillion by 2027.
States can and should help end Obamacare whether Congress does their job, or not.
Darul Hadis Latifiah, an all boys school in east London, was branded inadequate across all areas, as the school watchdog concluded pupils were 'not prepared for life in modern Britain'.
The role of teachers is to counter populism, and push students towards “progressive rebellion”, according to a piece in this week’s TES.
By Ken Meyer | MediaiteAfter famously depicting Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst and many others, Meryl Streep can officially add Donald Trump to her acting repertoire.More of Meryl
Last night, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association gathered to give awards to people in Hollywood in front of other people from Hollywood — and it was the perfect example of the kind of self-serving ego-stroking trash that is going to keep these wannabe political activists from ever having any influence over anyone outside of their bubble. First of all, there’s the fact that La La Land – a movie about Hollywood — won more Golden Globes than any other movie in the history of the Golden Globes. Sure, it was probably a good movie (I wouldn’t know, I watch only the news, true-crime TV, and ’90s Adam Sandler movies) but the fact that the Hollywood Foreign Press Association was apparently more enchanted with a movie about themselves than any other film ever is a story almost too perfect to write. And then there was Meryl Streep’s speech — and I’m not just talking about her Donald Trump comments, either. Yes, those comments certainly played a role in pissing people off, and I will get to them later, but focusing on those alone would ignore just how terribly self-indulgent and ignorant so much of the rest of it was. Streep actually had the nerve and naiveté to begin her speech by whining about how Hollywood is one of “the most vilified segments in American society right now” — all while wearing a gown that probably costs more than all of the clothing in an average American’s closet combined. I’m not saying that it’s impossible to be rich and miserable; what I am saying is if I am ever worth tens of millions of dollars and I still use my time in a public speech to complain about how victimized I am, please do me a favor and punch me in the face. People may be mean to you on the Internet, and that may be a bummer, but I can assure you that no one waking up at 5 a.m. to shovel coal from a mine or facing a day full of soul-crushing number-crunching interrupted only by a 20-minute break to eat a turkey sandwich on bread that may not even be organic wants to hear it. Streep said that people should be grateful for the Hollywood elite because without them they’d “have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts” — because apparently she’s too trapped in her bubble to realize that those are both things that many people very much enjoy. Throughout the speech, Streep kept insisting that the actors gathered at the Golden Globes represented nothing more than a collection of various regular people from various regular places — “I was born and raised and educated in the public schools of New Jersey,” she bragged — but the fact is, just because you start out as a “regular person” doesn’t mean that you’ll stay that way forever. Regardless of who these “Hollywood elites” were before they became rich and famous, the truth is that they have since become people who were too isolated to consider that Donald Trump had any chance of winning the election, and who are still too isolated understand that they’re going to have to accept the fact that he did. Yes, the job of an actor may be, as Streep noted, “to enter the lives of people who are different,” but that doesn’t change the fact that when it’s time to give out awards, the film that they connect to the most is still the one about the glitzy lives they’re living now. It doesn’t change the fact that, instead of trying to connect with Trump voters to try and understand why they did what they did, they’d rather just write them off as garbage people and continue to make comments slamming them any chance they get. Sure, some people may be calling Streep’s comments on Donald Trump “brave” — but those are the exact same people who already agreed with her anyway. Hollywood does not need to win over those people. They’ve been won, and continuing to mock the other side over things that happened more than a year ago is only going to ensure that their side will continue to lose. #related#I was no supporter of Donald Trump during the election. In fact, like Streep, I consider many of his comments and actions to be disgusting, including the one that she referenced last night. But the truth is, that incident with the reporter happened in 2015 . . . and he won anyway. Bringing it up isn’t going to change anyone’s mind about Trump, because the people who voted for him voted for him despite having known about it — and there were enough of those people to win him the White House. Her speech is not going to help her cause; it only encouraged the Trump voters who did not listen to Hollywood during the election to continue to not listen to Hollywood. If people like Streep are really concerned about the direction of our country, and if they really do want to change it, then they need to make earnest attempts to connect with the people they disagree with instead of going on self-serving, elitist rants in a country that’s full of people who do like things like MMA. — Katherine Timpf is a reporter for National Review Online.
Republican Sens. Mike Lee and Ben Sasse want President-elect Trump to fire the head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and are not waiting until Trump takes the oath of office to tell him so. The two conservatives sent a letter to Vice President-elect Mike Pence asking the incoming administration to fire Richard Cordray, the independent agency's director, citing a recent federal court ruling to make the case that Trump would have the power to do so. It's time to fire King Richard, Sasse said. Underneath the CFPB's Orwellian acronym is an attack on the American idea that the people who write are laws are accountable to the American people. Unlike President Obama's appointees at the Securities and Exchange Commmission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Cordray has not said that he will step down before his term ends in 2018.
Yep. Vince Vaughn and Mel Gibson, who worked together on the war film Hacksaw Ridge, didn't look thrilled with what Streep was saying.

Peggy Noonan Needs Advice from Taki

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The Wall Street Journal columnist ought to lighten up. || Russ Smith